This template provides an example of a training agenda that you can adjust and provide to participants.
This template is an evaluation form that participants can use to assess the training.
Toolkit for Mapping of the MISP for SRH and its Adaptation for Preparedness and Response to COVID-19 and Other Pandemics and Major Outbreaks
IAWG Training Partnership InitiativeThis toolkit results from IAWG’s collective effort to respond to the COVID-19 pandemic. This toolkit builds upon the MISP Considerations Checklist for Implementation During COVID-19 and provides additional resources for planning to transition from MISP to comprehensive SRH services during COVID-19 and other pandemics and major outbreaks.
On March 10th, FP2030 in partnership with UNFPA, IPPF, and IAWG hosted the first in a series of webinars on preparedness tools. Linked is the webinar recording and key resources from the first webinar that provided an introduction to SRH preparedness with an overview of key documents such as Ready to Save Lives preparedness toolkit and the MISP Readiness Assessment.
Young men and community gatekeepers’ involvement in sexual and reproductive health in Malawi, Burundi and South Sudan
Research and Training for Health and Development (RTHD) for IPPFThis report summarises the findings of a formative research study to examine key social, cultural, and religious reasons why young men lack involvement in family planning; and to understand how community gatekeepers influence uptake of sexual and reproductive health (SRH) information and services in communities. Three countries were involved in the study namely Malawi, Burundi, and South Sudan.
Effects of COVID-19 on Essential MNCHN/FP/RH Care and the Strategies and Adaptations Emerging in Response: Rapid Evidence Summary
MOMENTUM Knowledge AcceleratorThis rapid evidence summary reviews emerging evidence of the effects of COVID-19 on provision and demand of essential maternal, newborn, and child health and nutrition, family planning, and reproductive health (MNCHN/FP/RH) care, the strategies and a
“If You Are Born a Girl in This Crisis, You Are Born a Problem”: Patterns and Drivers of Violence Against Women and Girls in Conflict-Affected South Sudan
Mary Ellsberg, Maureen Murphy, Alexandra Blackwell, Mairi Macrae, Dashakti Reddy, Clare Hollowell, Tim Hess, Manuel Contreras-Urbina | Sage JoutnalsThis article presents the results of a qualitative study on the context and different forms of violence committed against women and girls in South Sudan. The study documents many forms of sexual and physical violence against women and girls in South Sudan, including conflict-related sexual violence, intimate partner violence, non-partner sexual violence, child and forced marriage, and abduction. The violence occurred during three overarching contexts: armed conflict, gender inequality, and the economic crisis. The custom of bride price, combined with the economic crisis, is a key driver of many other forms of violence.
Survey: A Pathway Toward a CSO Feminist Agenda for Generation Equality
Gender Equality Civil Society Advisory Groups, the Mexican and French Forums, and the Youth Task ForceThe Gender Equality Civil Society Advisory Groups, the Mexican and French Forums, and the Youth Task Force are requesting input from feminist and women’s civil society organizations for the Generation Equality Forum. They have developed an online survey for organizations who are interested in contributing to the Generation Equality Forum process and help create a civic society organizations Feminist Agenda for Beijing +25. The survey is available in English, French, and Spanish and takes approximately 10 minutes to complete.
Respectful Maternity Care Charter - Now Available in Arabic!
Respectful Maternity Care Council, White Ribbon AllianceOn behalf of the Respectful Maternity Care Council, we are pleased to announce the Respectful Maternity Care Charter: Universal Rights of Women and Newborns is now available in Arabic. The updated charter further clarifies and clearly articulates the rights of women and newborns in the context of maternity care provided within a healthcare facility. It specifically delineates how human rights are implicated in the context of pregnancy and childbirth and affirms the basic inalienable rights of women and newborns.
FP2030 Commitments
FP2030Are you ready to make an FP2030 Commitment? FP2030 has launched the next phase of our global partnership for family planning and has new guidance to help governments and organizations develop new commitments
This report describes the findings of a study that examined how IPPF-supported capacity development and preparedness activities facilitated the Sexual and Reproductive Health response to Cyclone Winston in Fiji (2016) and Cyclone Gita in Tonga (2018). It identifies the different approaches to capacity development and response in the two settings and provides recommendations for future preparedness and response efforts and investment in line with the objectives of the Minimum Initial Service Package for Sexual and Reproductive Health (MISP)."
IMPACT 2021: Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights for Intersex People
IAWG LGBTQIA+ Sub-Working Group, Edge Effect Online WebinarDespite a large body of research demonstrating significant variability in biological sex, sexual development, and bodies, common understandings of human biology and sexual development are dominated by a binary model. In this model, people are assumed to display unambiguous and congruent characteristics that are either female or male. Although changing, this binary model has guided our understanding of sexual and reproductive health and rights. Join us to find out more about Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights for Intersex People and hear why Intersex issues are important and necessary to advance sexual and reproductive health and rights – especially in crisis settings.