The Community Health Rights Network (COHERINET) is a network of sexual and reproductive health (SRH) leaders from community-based organizations, community health worker corps, and educational institutes across Uganda striving to advance awareness of SRH in hard-to-reach communities. COHERINET serves a diverse range of Ugandans of reproductive age, including women, adolescents, men and boys, and people living with HIV. The coalition seeks to transform SRH at the community level by holding sensitizing, awareness-raising outreach and non-judgmental SRH counselling through community workshops covering topics from safe abortion care and clinic referrals to contraceptive counseling and gender-based violence programming. COHERINET’s flagship program, Aunt KAKI, is a toll-free SRH counseling service, where operators provide stigma-free SRH advising and referrals to callers across Uganda. This service removes the geographical and knowledge barriers that prevent more remote communities from understanding and claiming their SRH rights, proving especially critical during nationwide COVID-19 lockdowns.
Inter-Agency Reproductive Health Kits 6th Edition - Manual
Launch of the Inter-Agency Reproductive Health Kits 6th Edition
UNFPA, IAWG Supplies Sub-Working Group Online WebinarIn order to ensure all inter-agency users of the IARH kits understand the significant changes to the 6th edition of the kits, UNFPA will be hosting a launch webinar together with the IAWG Supplies Sub-Working Group. The webinar specifically targets IAWG partners who are users of the IARH kits in the field
Internal Condoms: A Tool to Advance Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights for All
CHANGE (the Center for Health and Gender Equity)This factsheet from CHANGE (the Center for Health and Gender Equity) describes why internal condoms, previously called female condoms, are an important tool to advance sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR) for all. Internal condoms are currently the only non-hormonal multipurpose prevention method designed for and initiated by women and receptive sexual partners that provides effective protection against unintended pregnancy and STI acquisition, including HIV.
FP2020: The Arc of Progress 2019 - 2020
FP2020, FP2030Family Planning 2020 was launched with a simple premise: that every woman and girl, no matter where she lives, should have the opportunity to use lifesaving, life-changing modern contraception. The leaders who gathered at the London Summit in 2012 agreed on an ambitious goal and a tight timeframe for achieving it: to reach an additional 120 million users of modern contraception in the world’s 69 lowest-income countries by 2020. That initial eight-year period is now drawing to a close. We didn’t reach 120 million, but we did bend the curve of progress upward. See the story of our partnership and progress, including the latest data, in FP2020's final Annual Progress Report, The Arc of Progress.
Child Marriage in Yemen: a mixed methods study in ongoing conflict and displacement
Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public HealthThis study assesses the prevalence of and risk factors for child marriage in Yemen, which was experiencing a nationwide conflict at the time of the study. Researchers conducted a survey of internally displaced persons (IDPs) and host communities using a stratified multistage cluster sampling design. Each household included an interview with a female adult, a household roster, and one female adolescent interview. Displaced girls experience child marriage more than boys or host girls. Displacement affects economic security and household power dynamics, which affects marriage decision-making and girl s ability to self-advocate. Efforts to address child marriage in Yemen should include livelihood support, with awareness and conflict management components that start in pre-adolescence and include married and unmarried girls.
Gap Analysis of Gender-based Violence in Humanitarian Settings: a Global Consultation
Elrha, Global Women's InstituteThis Gap Analysis seeks to update the outstanding and persistent gaps that continue to challenge the GBV sector. This report identifies both operational and systemic challenges faced by the sector, continually acknowledging the complexity and diversity of needs across the sector in order to achieve its intended positive outcomes for women and girls in humanitarian settings. Please share this report to highlight the progress and challenges that face the sector so that it can serve as a strong advocacy tool for GBV practitioners, researchers, donors, and innovators.
Addressing Sexual Violence against Men, Boys, and LGBTIQ+ Persons in Humanitarian Settings: A Field-Friendly Guidance Note by Sector
Women's Refugee CommissionThis Guidance Note outlines key actions and considerations for service provision per sector to support frontline workers to better address sexual violence against men, boys, and LGBTIQ+ persons.
Inter-Agency Reproductive Health Kits - 6th Edition Launch
UNFPA, IAWG Supplies Sub Working Group
Neonatal Mortality Burden and Trends in UNHCR Refugee Camps, 2006–2017: A Retrospective Analysis
UNHCRThis study uses routine health information system data to examine neonatal mortality burden and trends in UNHCR refugee camps between 2006 and 2017.
Innovative Strategies for Providing Menstruation-supportive Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (Wash) Facilities: Learning From Refugee Camps in Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh
Margaret L. Schmitt, Olivia R. Wood, David Clatworthy, Sabina Faiz Rashid & Marni Sommer | Conflict and HealthThis new MHM in emergencies article in Conflict and Health highlights practical learning and innovative practices from refugee camps in Cox's Bazar, Bangladesh. Key findings include the use of female-driven participatory methods for WASH design; shifts towards multi-purpose female WASH facilities; new menstrual disposal innovations; and the use of male engagement strategies.
Improving Access to Abortion in Crisis Settings: A legal risk management tool for organizations and providers.
IPAS, Center for Reproductive RightsThe resource is designed to help program planners and organizations understand abortion law and manage legal risk when providing or supporting access to abortion for people who are displaced by crises. It provides general guidance and can be used online or in-person and with program teams, field teams, program managers, and other decision-makers. It can also be incorporated in risk- and security-assessment processes.