This toolkit results from IAWG’s collective effort to respond to the COVID-19 pandemic. This toolkit builds upon the MISP Considerations Checklist for Implementation During COVID-19 and provides additional resources for planning to transition from MISP to comprehensive SRH services during COVID-19 and other pandemics and major outbreaks.
The toolkit refers to template 1 (tab titled “1. MISP & COVID mapping”), template 2, (tab titled “2. MISP consideration checklist”), and template 3 (tab titled “3. Cross cutting considerations”) which are all available in the Excel download.
The objective of this toolkit is to help SRH coordinators (or, when not available, health coordinators or managers) ensure the availability, accessibility, acceptability, and quality of lifesaving SRH services by:
- mapping the status of SRH services before a crisis or major outbreaks, such as COVID-19 (Template 1, columns B, C, D)
- mapping the status of the MISP implementation and who is doing what, where, when, why, and how, including implementation barriers related to the MISP (Template 1, columns E, F, G, H)
- mapping the status of the supply chain for SRH (Template 1, line 40 onward), the inclusion of priority populations (template 1, line 50 onward), expenditure and financing for health and SRH (Template 1, line 60 onward)
- documenting how COVID-19 related events and decisions (e.g., lockdown, deconfinement) impacted the implementation of and access to MISP and other SRH services (Template 1, columns I, J, K)
- offering a comprehensive checklist of activities for MISP preparedness and response in the context of COVID-19 (Template 2)
- offering a comprehensive checklist of activities related to MISP implementation in the context of COVID-19 that cut across critical domains, including supply chain, triage, and screening, infection prevention, and control, personal protective equipment, health staff and safety, self-care in select SRH areas, remote consultations, adapting how community health workers deliver care in the community, elements of community-based harm reduction approaches in contexts of severe movement restrictions, and community engagement (Template 3)