About the Webinar
In order to ensure all inter-agency users of the IARH kits understand the significant changes to the 6th edition of the kits, UNFPA will be hosting a launch webinar together with the IAWG Supplies Sub-Working Group. The webinar specifically targets IAWG partners who are users of the IARH kits in the field
- Opening – Shoko Arakaki, Director, Humanitarian Office, UNFPA
- Context of the IARH Kit Review – Eric Dupont, Chief, Procurement Services Branch, UNFPA
- Presentation of the IARH Kits 6th Edition
- Questions and Answers
Purpose of Webinar
- Provide an overview of the revised content of the IARH kits
- Provide an overview of the new structure of the IARH kits, including introducing the new “Complementary Commodities”
- Present the new IARH kit manual, IARH kit calculator, order forms, distribution plans, and IEC materials
- Review the ordering process for the IARH kits for users in the field
- Review basic logistics management requirements for the IARH kits
About the Revised Kits
Learn about the revised toolkits and download the new manual:
For any follow-up questions on the revised IARH kits roll-out please contact the UNFPA Humanitarian Office, Danielle Jurman at jurman@unfpa.org.
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