In South Sudan, the civil war in 2016 led to mass displacement in Juba that rapidly spread to other regions of the country. Access to health care was limited because of attacks against health facilities and workers and pregnant women and newborns were among the most vulnerable. Translation of newborn guidelines into public health practice, particularly during periods of on-going violence, are not well studied during humanitarian emergencies. During 2016 to 2017, we assessed the delivery of a package of community- and facility-based newborn health interventions in displaced person camps to understand implementation outcomes. This case analysis describes the challenges encountered and mitigating strategies employed during the conduct of an original research study.
Unpacking the Guidelines of the Compact for Young People in Humanitarian Action A Pilot Workshop for Humanitarian Workers in Jordan
UNFPA and NRC in JordanUNFPA and NRC in Jordan organized a virtual training workshop on Compact for Young People in Humanitarian Action, with the aim to build the capacity of humanitarian workers, youth workers, and focal points from the different working groups and sectors who are involved in humanitarian response on the “Compact for Young People in Humanitarian Action” and its relevant tools and resources.
Contraceptive Counselling MOOC
Faculty of Sexual and Reproductive Healthcare UKThis free online course in English supports all healthcare professionals globally to deliver effective contraceptive care. Engaging and interactive, the course features a range of case studies, video content and additional reading.
At the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, UNFPA Bangladesh developed and implemented innovative solutions to ensure that sexual and reproductive health (SRH) services were continuously being provided and accessible to Rohingya and host communities in Cox’s Bazar, including lifesaving SRH services. One such innovation is the ‘Community-Based Patient Transportation System,’ which provides free and safe transportation to women from the Rohingya camps and host communities to nearby health facilities. This effort is part of a larger project in collaboration with IAWG, WHO/Global Health Cluster, and partners around planning for and operationalize comprehensive SRH programming in Cox’s Bazar. Efforts under this objective were adapted to meet the challenges posed to SRH service provision, access, and expansion by the pandemic. Read more about how the transportation system contributed to safe deliveries and ensuring access to family planning services during the pandemic.
"The Lancet" Series on Women’s and Children’s Health in Conflict Settings aims to improve understanding of and address the special requirements of providing sexual, reproductive, maternal, newborn, child and adolescent health and nutrition services in conflict settings. The Series draws upon scholarship from the BRANCH Consortium, providing insights into the nature and dynamics of women’s and children’s health and nutrition in diverse conflict contexts globally. The Series papers articulate a way forward to fill immediate evidence and guidance gaps as well as longer-term action to ensure the most effective humanitarian health response for conflict-affected women and children.
Job Aids: Recommendations for Maternal and Newborn Care During the Covid-19 Outbreak
MOMENTUM Country and Global LeadershipThis resource comprises a series of one- to two-page job aids to assist providers and facility managers in modifying antenatal, intrapartum, and postnatal care and protecting life-saving, evidence-based care during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Supporting Breastfeeding During COVID-19: Understanding and Supporting Evidence-Based Care
MOMENTUM Country and Global LeadershipThis powerpoint presentation provides a review of evidence and recommendations for facilitating and protecting breastfeeding during the COVID-19 outbreak.
European Donor Support to Sexual & Reproductive Health & Family Planning: Trends Analysis 2019-20
Countdown 2030 EuropeThe analysis done by the Countdown 2030 Europe Consortium shows a significant increase of financial contributions by European donor governments to SRH/FP in the context of international development. Even though it is difficult to track SRHR funding to humanitarian assistance specifically, the analysis did see an increased European focus on SRHR in humanitarian settings in 2020 - with e.g. a new humanitarian policy in Finland, including SRHR as one of the central focus areas, whereby the predecessor humanitarian policy did not include any reference to SRHR; Denmark committing to becoming the Lead of the ‘Call to Action’ on Protection from Gender-Based Violence (GBV) in Emergencies; and Sweden endorsing a 2020 Action plan for the Feminist Foreign Policy including stronger language than ever on SRHR in humanitarian settings."
Preparedness for SRH Technical Webinar Series: How to Use New SRH Preparedness Tools
IAWG Emergency Prepardness and Resilience Sub-Working Group, UNFPA, IPPF, FP2030 Online Webinar, Registration Coming SoonThe purpose of this webinar series is to provide guidance to country stakeholders on how to use new tools to strengthen SRH emergency preparedness systems. The first technical webinar in the series will act as an introduction to SRH preparedness with an overview of key documents such as Ready to Save Lives preparedness toolkit and the MISP Readiness Assessment."
Building a Support Network for Frontline Implementers working on SRH in Humanitarian Crises – A Design Research Study
IAWG and SCOPEIAWG and Scope Impact conducted rapid Human-Centered Design-led research using innovative digital approaches to inform the development of a Frontline Implementers’ Support Network for sexual and reproductive health actors working in humanitarian settings. The report maps how frontline implementers currently communicate, their existing needs for and challenges in communication, and their visions for how the network would support them. It also outlines key opportunity areas for co-creating and testing solutions for a vibrant community of practice in the future. Look out for a webinar coming up soon to discuss the findings.
COVID-19 Learning Briefs
Pathfinder InternationalCOVID-19 brought widespread disruption to essential health care throughout the world—including sexual and reproductive health (SRH) services. Pathfinder International teams adapted rapidly to ensure the continuation of quality SRH services while mitigating the spread of COVID-19. This series of learning briefs conveys Pathfinder International’s COVID-19 response strategies, impact, and lessons learned, and covers the following themes: Adapting and Innovating Social and Behavior Change, Adapting and Innovating Delivery of Essential Health Services, Adapting Clinical Supervision and Mentorship of Health Service Providers, Meeting the Training and Capacity-Building Needs of Frontline Health Workers.
Sexual and Reproductive Healthcare for Refugees
Sarosh Naqvi, Hospital NewsThis article published on Page 40 of the Hospital News monthly newspaper, which is disseminated across all hospitals in Ontario, Canada, focuses on the ethical obligation of physicians and healthcare workers to provide comprehensive sexual and reproductive healthcare to all migrants and refugees. It also discusses the unaddressed stigma surrounding the topic of conversation and the topic of building health equity amongst those who need equitable care the most.