IAWG members are addressing sexual and reproductive rights during COVID-19 humanitarian response. Read More>>

Session 1: Welcome and Introduction


During this session, participants will reflect on their expectations for the training and agree on ground rules.


By the end of this unit, participants will:

  • Become familiar with each other.
  • Discuss the training’s contents.
  • Set group norms and expectations for the training.
  • Complete the knowledge assessment.

Timing & Methodology

Total: 70 minutes (1 hour, 10 minutes)

  • 20 minutes: Welcome and Pair Activity: Participant Introductions
  • 15 minutes: Facilitator Presentation: Training Workshop Overview
  • 15 minutes: Group Discussion: Setting Expectations and Ground Rules
  • 20 minutes: Individual Work: Knowledge Assessment/Pre-Test*
*Note: Participants can begin the knowledge assessment during registration and finish during this session to save time.


  • Print, download, and gather materials
  • Prepare separate flip chart papers with:
    • The Unit Objectives
    • “Course Expectations”
    • “Ground Rules”

Resources Available Online

Sexual and reproductive health services remain critical during COVID-19

IAWG members and partners are producing clinical and programmatic guidance, assessments, policy papers, and statements to ensure continued prioritization of sexual and reproductive health and rights throughout COVID-19 response in humanitarian settings.