WHO has launched a new tool intended for front-line health care providers to help women initiate contraception in humanitarian and emergency settings.
For each unit, you will need the Participant Workbook, the Facilitator’s Guide, and a slide presentation. Some units also require additional materials available on the unit pages.
For this training, you will need the following resources available from our partners:
Medical Eligibility Criteria Wheel for Contraceptive Use
WHO, Department of Reproductive Health and ResearchThis wheel contains the medical eligibility criteria for starting the use of contraceptive methods, based on Medical Eligibility Criteria for Contraceptive Use, 5th edition (2015), one of WHO’s evidence-based guidelines. It guides family planning providers in recommending safe and effective contraception methods for women with medical conditions or medically relevant characteristics. The wheel includes recommendations on initiating the use of nine common types of contraceptive methods.
New App for Who’s Medical Eligibility Criteria for Contraceptive Use
World Health Organization (WHO)WHO has launched an App for its Medical Eligibility Criteria for Contraceptive Use. This digital tool will facilitate the task of family planning providers in recommending safe, effective, and acceptable contraception methods for women with medical conditions or medically relevant characteristics.
Medical Eligibility Criteria for Contraceptive Use
World Health Organization (WHO)The World Health Organization (WHO) develops detailed criteria that health care workers can follow to determine which contraceptive methods are medically suitable for their clients. These criteria are based on the most current scientific knowledge about the effectiveness, risks and benefits of various family planning methods, and they can help providers guide their clients in making safe and informed decisions. WHO periodically revises the criteria in response to recommendations made by an expert working group in response to new research findings.
The Balanced Counseling Strategy Plus: A Toolkit for Family Planning Service Providers Working in High HIV/STI Prevalence Settings (Third Edition)
Population CouncilThe Balanced Counseling Strategy Plus (BCS+) toolkit, developed and tested in Kenya and South Africa, provides the information and materials that healthcare providers need to offer complete, high-quality family planning counseling to clients living in areas with high rates of HIV and STIs. The BCS+ was adapted from the Balanced Counseling Strategy (León 1999; León et al. 2003a, b, c; León, Vernon, Martin, and Bruce 2008). The first edition of the Balanced Counseling Strategy and Balanced Counseling Strategy Plus toolkits are products of the Population Council’s FRONTIERS program, supported by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), Cooperative Agreement HRN-A-00-98-00012-00.
Insertion technique for the Copper T380A IUD
Reproductive Health LibraryThis video demonstrates the insertion technique for the TCu-380A IUD, which has been shown in a Cochrane review to be more effective than other IUDs.
This video shows techniques for insertion and removal of Jadelle implants. The accompanying booklet provides descriptions and notes that correspond with the "insertion" and 'removal" parts of the videos. Note that the video illustrates an incision with a scalpel for insertion of Jadelle. However, Jadelle is now provided with a disposable trocar that is sharp enough to penetrate the skin directly. Thus the disposable trocar can be used to puncture the skin and insert the rods, without the need for an incision.
Nexplanon Insertion and Removal
Merck & Co., IncVideo on Nexplanon Insertion and Removal
Before teaching the course, facilitators are advised to familiarize themselves with the following resources and job aids:
Technical Guidance on Family Planning During COVID-19
Pathfinder InternationalPathfinder developed this document to guide Ministries of Health, policymakers, service providers, and other partners on how to continue to safely deliver family planning services during COVID-19.
The Balanced Counseling Strategy Plus: A Toolkit for Family Planning Service Providers Working in High HIV/STI Prevalence Settings (Third Edition)
Population CouncilThe Balanced Counseling Strategy Plus (BCS+) toolkit, developed and tested in Kenya and South Africa, provides the information and materials that healthcare providers need to offer complete, high-quality family planning counseling to clients living in areas with high rates of HIV and STIs. The BCS+ was adapted from the Balanced Counseling Strategy (León 1999; León et al. 2003a, b, c; León, Vernon, Martin, and Bruce 2008). The first edition of the Balanced Counseling Strategy and Balanced Counseling Strategy Plus toolkits are products of the Population Council’s FRONTIERS program, supported by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), Cooperative Agreement HRN-A-00-98-00012-00.
WHO has launched a new tool intended for front-line health care providers to help women initiate contraception in humanitarian and emergency settings.
Contraceptive Eligibility for Women at High Risk of HIV: Guidance Statement - Recommendations on Contraceptive Methods Used by Women at High Risk of HIV
World Health Organization (WHO)The World Health Organization (WHO) convened a Guideline Development Group (GDG) meeting from 29 to 31 July 2019 to review global guidance on contraceptive eligibility for women at high risk of HIV acquisition to and determine whether revisions to the fifth edition of the Medical eligibility criteria for contraceptive use (MEC) were needed. The issue was deemed critical, particularly for sub-Saharan Africa, given the high lifetime risk of acquiring HIV alongside the importance of hormonal contraception in offering women and adolescent girls’ choice and in reducing their risk of unintended pregnancy, a common threat to the health, well-being and lives of women and adolescent girls.
Family Planning - A Global Handbook for Providers
United States Agency for International Development (USAID)A practical guidebook for program managers and health care providers on delivering high quality family planning counseling, services, and care.

Quality of Care in Contraceptive Information and Services, Based on Human Rights Standards: A Checklist for Health Care Providers
World Health Organization (WHO)This document presents a user-friendly checklist specifically addressed to health care providers, at the primary health care level, who are involved in the direct provision of contraceptive information and services. It is complimentary to WHO guidelines on Ensuring human rights in the provision of contraceptive information and services: Guidance and recommendations, and the Implementation Guide published jointly with UNFPA in 2015. This checklist also builds on the WHO vision document on Standards for Improving Quality of Care for Maternal and Newborn Care and its ongoing work under the Quality, Equity and Dignity initiative. The checklist should be read along with other guidance from WHO and also from partners.
Before taking the course, participants are advised to take the MISP Distance Learning Module.
Feedback on the Training Materials
The IAWG Training Partnership Initiative is interested in hearing from you. Please share any questions or feedback to info.iawg@wrcommission.org regarding the training materials and their use in your context.