IAWG members are addressing sexual and reproductive rights during COVID-19 humanitarian response. Read More>>

Unit 6: Enhancing Safety and Referrals, Mental Health and Psychosocial Support, Follow-Up Care


This unit explains how to assess immediate risks and develop a safety plan with a survivor, referral service needs for survivors, strategies to counsel survivors around mental health and psychosocial support, and patient follow-up care guidelines and timing.


By the end of this unit, participants will:

  • Describe how to assess immediate safety risks and develop a safety plan with a survivor.
  • Identify key types of referral service needs for survivors.
  • Explore the survivor experience of a referral through an interactive, empathy-building activity.
  • Discuss strategies to counsel survivors around mental health and psychosocial support.
  • Discuss patient follow-up care guidelines and timing.

Timing & Methodology

Total: 120 minutes (2 hours)

  • 45 minutes: Facilitator Presentation and Group Discussion
  • 45 minutes: Group Activity: Referrals
  • 30 minutes: Facilitator Presentation and Group Discussion


  • Print, download, and gather materials
  • Write out name tag stickers for interactive referral experience, including
  • Research referral mechanisms for psychological counseling, psychiatric care, or psychosocial support in the context and/or invite the GBV coordinator to facilitate the presentations for this unit and Unit 7

Resources Available Online

Sexual and reproductive health services remain critical during COVID-19

IAWG members and partners are producing clinical and programmatic guidance, assessments, policy papers, and statements to ensure continued prioritization of sexual and reproductive health and rights throughout COVID-19 response in humanitarian settings.