Overall Goal
The IAWG Task Team on Male Survivors of Sexual Violence aims to improve the quality, availability, access, and utilization of priority minimum and comprehensive services for male survivors of sexual violence in humanitarian settings, including those with diverse SOGIESEC (sexual orientation and gender identity /expression and sex characteristics) and to ensure that these efforts complement and/or reinforce services for female survivors.
Guiding Principles
The Task Team’s efforts for male survivors build on and reinforce caring for female survivors, particularly related to capacity development, awareness-raising, and programming.
Katherine Gambir
Women’s Refugee Commission
Objectives (2021 - 2023)
- Serve as a discussion platform/clearinghouse regarding male sexual violence survivors and share information, lessons learned, and good practices regarding:
- provision of clinical management of male survivors;
- enabling service uptake for male survivors (including for those with diverse sexual orientation and gender identity/expression);
- capacity building of health providers and other frontline workers;
- capacity building regarding caring for child survivors and LGBTI+ survivors more broadly (including liaising with the IAWG LGBTQIA+ SWG);
- Mental Health and Psychosocial Support (MHPSS) for male survivors (including those with diverse sexual orientation and gender identity/expression);
- and better identifying the impacts, barriers to access to SRH services for male survivors, and their wishes and asks.
- Better identify and respond to the short- and long-term well-being, health impact. and needs of male survivors in humanitarian settings.
- Provide inter-agency review and technical inputs to ensure new resources and materials related to male survivors are in line with current guidance, including the 2018 IAWG Field Manual and WHO Clinical Management of Rape guidelines.
- Propose relevant guidelines and contribute to refining guidances on researching, response risk mitigation, and prevention of sexual violence.
- Conduct and contribute to advocacy, including drawing attention to particular needs in relevant crisis contexts and calling for response (e.g., Afghanistan) regardless of geographic location.
Information for Current Members
Current members of the male survivors of sexual violence task team can access the Google Group to attend meetings, share documents, and learn more about the goals and ongoing efforts. Please note, only IAWG members at the steering or associate level may participate in Sub-Working Groups. If you are interested in getting involved, please reach out to the IAWG Secretariat.