The STIs/HIV Sub-Working Group is a dedicated group of IAWG members working to facilitate global collaboration among the IAWG member agencies and with external stakeholders to improve the lives of those living with STIs/HIV/AIDS and to strengthen prevention and care efforts in crisis-affected settings.
Priority Objectives
- Sharing information among sub-working group members on STsI/HIV-related efforts, updates, new programs, promising practices, and innovations.
- Collaborating with Inter-Agency Task Team on HIV in Emergencies (IATT HIV-E) to coordinate IAWG’s sexual and reproductive health inputs into the task team’s implementing mechanisms.
- Ensuring STIs/HIV is integrated into IAWG meeting through presentations and materials.
- Reviewing and adapting advocacy messaging around Evidence for Contraceptive Options in HIV Outcomes (ECHO) trial results and sexual and reproductive health and STIs/HIV integration.
- Conduct a landscaping activity to better understand ongoing STIs/HIV programming in emergencies and identify potential gaps.
- Fundraising for additional priority activities.
- Women's Refugee Commission