This unit discusses issues that contribute to the mistreatment of women and newborns and the concept of respectful maternity care as a component of quality care.
This unit explains how to quickly identify and treat an obstetric emergency and initiate treatment of shock.
This unit explains active management of the third stage of labor, identifying normal and abnormal postpartum blood loss, identification and management of common causes of postpartum hemorrhage, and referrals to higher levels of care.
Participants practice the following skills: active management of the third stage of labor, manual removal of the placenta, and bimanual compression of the uterus.
This unit describes how to safely stabilize and prepare a woman for transport after postpartum hemorrhage and ensure effective communication with the facility receiving the referred woman or newborn.
This unit explains the prevention, assessment, diagnosis, treatment, and evaluation of peripartum infection, and how to identify and refer to a higher level of care for severe infection (sepsis).
This unit discusses the classification of hypertensive disorders in pregnancy and treatment protocols for anti-hypertensive medication administration.
This unit explains the main causes of newborn deaths, challenges for newborn care in humanitarian settings, and essential newborn care.
This unit asks participants to complete a knowledge assessment and discuss next steps for continued training and improving BEmONC services and delivery.
During this unit, participants will reflect on their expectations for the training and agree on ground rules.
This unit explains the link between gender-based violence and violations of human rights, describes the guiding principles for working with survivors of sexual violence, and examines how social norms can affect survivors’ ability to seek help and access care.
This unit discusses the requirements for providing clinical services to survivors; common signs and symptoms of sexual violence and intimate partner violence; and the basic principles of supportive communication and first-line response (LIVES) for survivors.