The toolkit looks at menstrual hygiene management from a multi-sectoral perspective and aims to give practical, streamlined guidance to humanitarian workers.
Hope Restoration South Sudan is a national non-governmental organization (NNGO) committed to capacity building, research, advocacy, and addressing the needs and rights of survivors of gender-based violence (GBV).
The IAWG annual report launched in 2019, reviewing the milestone achievements, membership standing, and financial status of the coalition during the 2018 calendar year. The report also includes challenges faced, lessons learned, and priorities for 2019.

MISP Calculator Updated in 2019, this spreadsheet calculates the reproductive health statistics necessary for the implementation of the MISP (Minimum Initial Service Package). Input site specific data into the grey shaded boxes; the rest of the spreadsheet is protected to guarantee accurate calculations. Download the MISP Calculator (Excel file). For users familiar with the old calculator this…
Key Populations Atlas
UNAIDSThe Key Populations Atlas brings together data from diverse sources into one visual tool. With the collaboration of the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria, the World Health Organization, the Division of Global HIV and Tuberculosis of the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, UNAIDS collected, collated and assessed selected indicators in a single database.The purpose of the project is to provide more local level data for local-level action for policy-makers, program directors, and community activists and advocates among others. This Atlas extends the data dissemination and displaying capacity of AIDSinfo to better match local person, place and time data with the exigencies of an effective response to the HIV epidemic. The included indicators extend beyond traditional Global AIDS Monitoring. Data on stigma and discrimination, particularly in the health service sector, and the legal environment were extracted and mapped, for example, to better capture some of the structural challenges in mounting effective responses for key populations communities.
Future Directions for ASRH from Multi-Agency Stakeholder Event
Sub-Working Group on Adolescent Sexual and Reproductive HealthNew App for Who’s Medical Eligibility Criteria for Contraceptive Use
World Health Organization (WHO)WHO has launched an App for its Medical Eligibility Criteria for Contraceptive Use. This digital tool will facilitate the task of family planning providers in recommending safe, effective, and acceptable contraception methods for women with medical conditions or medically relevant characteristics.
The Huge Humanitarian Crisis of Venezuela
Save the ChildrenThe deteriorating economic and political conditions in Venezuela have caused a huge humanitarian crisis that has not received as much attention and concern as it really should.
Jody Nkashama discusses with Dr Oly Ilunga how we can prevent and respond to the outbreak of Ebola virus disease in the Democratic Republic of Congo.
Learn how the IAWG coalition works together to advance sexual and reproductive health and rights in humanitarian settings.

IPPF / Isabel Corthier