This brief describes 10 key principles for effective, evidence-based learning, and highlights two examples of Jhpiego programs putting these principles into action.
Gender Handbook for Humanitarian Action
Interagency Standing CommitteeThis concise guide builds upon lessons learned by the humanitarian community and reflects the main challenges faced in ensuring that gender equality and women’s empowerment are mainstreamed throughout the humanitarian programme cycle.
MSI, Ipas, IPPF, PSI & SAAFSharing best practice guidance on safe abortion and post-abortion care, to ensure the wellbeing of women everywhere.
This brief summarizes Save the Children's effort in 2018 to understand how emergency contraception was featured in their reproductive health programs in humanitarian settings.

Overcoming the ‘tyranny of the urgent’: integrating gender into disease outbreak preparedness and response
Julia Smith, Gender & DevelopmentThis article contributes to discussions on the gender dimensions of disease outbreaks, and preparedness policies and responses, by providing a multi-level analysis of gender-related gaps, particularly illustrating how the failure to challenge gender assumptions and incorporate gender as a priority at the global level has national and local impacts.
"Provide Care for Everyone Please": Engaging Community Leaders as Sexual and Reproductive Health Advocates in North and South Kivu, Democratic Republic of the Congo
Victoria J. Steven, Julianne Deitch, Erin Files Dumas, Meghan C. Gallagher, Jimmy Nzau, Augustin Paluku & Sara E. CaseyCommunity leaders, given their power to influence local customs, could play a critical role as agents of change in addressing inequitable gender norms, stigma surrounding sexual and reproductive health service utilization, and topics traditionally considered taboo within Congolese society.
Helping Babies Breathe at Birth
Global Health MediaA newborn who doesn’t breathe at birth needs help immediately. This video, using live footage, shows the basic steps of newborn resuscitation using the internationally renowned Helping Babies Breathe guidelines.
Life Under an Abortion Ban
Dabney EvansThis OpEd is a popular press version of a recent research paper. It tells the story of Eve, a young woman who was raped, became pregnant and underwent an unsafe abortion. Eve is an every-woman whose story demonstrates the variability in abortion access globally, including humanitarian settings.
Abuse and exploitation of women migrating from Venezuela has reached alarming levels, the leading humanitarian organization CARE has found in a snapshot gender analysis at the Venezuela-Colombia border released today.
Introduction of the Training Manual: Mental Health and Gender-Based Violence, helping survivors of sexual violence in conflict
IAWG Gender-Based Violence Sub-Working Group, Gender-Based Violence Area of Responsibility Community of Practice“Introduction of the Training Manual: Mental Health and Gender-Based Violence, helping survivors of sexual violence in conflict” was presented by Nora Sveaass, a clinical psychologist and professor at the Department of Psychology at University of Oslo (UiO), and Elisabeth Ng Langdal, Director at Health and Human Rights Info.