Advising on the unique responsibilities and challenges of collecting and using data, information and research in humanitarian settings.

IPPF/ Hannah Maule-ffinch
IAWG members are addressing sexual and reproductive rights during COVID-19 humanitarian response. Read More>>
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Advising on the unique responsibilities and challenges of collecting and using data, information and research in humanitarian settings.
IPPF/ Hannah Maule-ffinch
Advising on implementing the priority activities designated to provide sexual and reproductive health in emergency settings, preventing morbidity and mortality.
Save the Children/ Evan Schuurman
Improving the availability and quality of sexual and reproductive health supplies in crisis-affected settings.
IPPF / Kathleen Prior
Addressing challenges and setting priorities for providing voluntary contraception in humanitarian settings.
Save the Children / Reginald Louissant Jr
Defining the key advocacy and accountability priorities for sexual and reproductive health in humanitarian settings.
IPPF / Alana Holmberg
Reducing preventable maternal and newborn mortality and inequities in access to quality care during pregnancy, childbirth and the postpartum period.
IPPF/Alana Holmberg, 2018
Setting priorities and addressing challenges related to safe abortion care in humanitarian settings.
IPPF/ Tom Pilston
180 midwives and other maternity staff (doctors, midwives) from more than 150 health structures have already been trained in the provinces of Ituri and North Kivu to ensure that the labor of delivery is done without the slightest risk of Ebola virus transmission.
The minimum, life-saving sexual and reproductive health needs that humanitarians must address at onset of an emergency (within 48 hours wherever possible).
Save the Children/ Evan Schuurman
Next week, sexual and reproductive health and rights professionals will gather in Nairobi, Kenya for ICPD+25, which marks 25 years since the groundbreaking International Conference on Population and Development held in Cairo in 1994. The conference mobilized critical funding and catalyzed commitments, action, and the formation of new partnerships – including IAWG.
Whether you’re attending The Nairobi Summit on ICPD25 in-person or showing your support remotely, you can help to promote the importance of strong commitments to sexual and reproductive health and rights for people affected by humanitarian crises. Amplify IAWG’s message by sharing these graphics and posts across your social profiles and by using relevant partners' handles and hashtags.
Last month, sexual and reproductive health experts, advocates, and professionals gathered at the Nairobi Summit, which recognized the 25th anniversary of the groundbreaking International Conference on Population and Development, which took place in Cairo in 1994.
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