Information Brief on Supply Chains for Sexual and Reproductive Health Across the Humanitarian-Development Continuum
IAWG, Reproductive Health Supplies CoalitionThis brief calls for governments, partners, and donors across the spectrum of humanitarian and development settings to improve supply chains by collaborating to strengthen pre-crisis preparedness and transition after acute emergencies to more stable and uninterrupted supply chains.

Webinar: Clinical Management of Rape and Intimate Partner Violence
UNFPA, UNHCR, WHOThis webinar outlines best practices for providing care to survivors of rape and intimate partner violence using the Clinical Management approach.
Support for the national response coordination consisted of two assistants to the national response coordinator, the contribution to the telephone payment costs of the coordination team and support for computer equipment.
Details on eight actions governments can take to improve the WASH services in health care facilities including establishing national plans and targets, improving infrastructure and maintenance, and engaging communities.
Regional Adolescent Sexual Reproductive Health Training in MENA
IAWG Adolescent Sexual and Reproductive Health Sub-Working GroupIAWG, including members from Save the Children and CARE, led a training of trainers (ToT) workshop on adolescent sexual and reproductive health in humanitarian settings in Amman, Jordan in April 2019.

This donation will allow pregnant women to give birth in maternity homes without the risk of contracting Ebola virus disease and healthcare providers to exercise safely.
Since 2012, Save the Children (SC) has been implementing a Family Planning (FP) and Post-abortion Care (PAC) programme in two governorates heavily affected by the conflict.
UNICEF and UNFPA signed a collaboration agreement to strengthen their cooperation in response to the humanitarian needs of children, adolescents, mothers and pregnant women in Venezuela.
Roadmap to Accelerate Progress for Every Newborn in Humanitarian Settings 2020-2024
Save the Children, World Health Organization, UNHCR, UNICEFThis roadmap addresses newborn heath across diverse contexts with recommendations that can be applied generally but can also be relevant to some specific contexts more than others.

Surviving Day One: Caring for Mothers and Newborns in Humanitarian Emergencies on the Day of Childbirth
IAWG Maternal and Newborn Health Sub-Working GroupThis advocacy report discusses the importance of increasing our focus on care for the mother-baby dyad during childbirth in humanitarian settings. To achieve this vision, we highlight three key actions.

Women's and Girl's Rights and Agency in Humanitarian Action: A Life-Saving Priority
Action Contre la Faim France, ActionAid, CARE, Handicap International - Humanity & Inclusion, International Center for Research on Women, International Medical Corps, International Planned Parenthood Federation, International Rescue Committee, Islamic Relief, Legal Action Worldwide, Marie Stopes International, Mercy Corps, Oxfam, Plan International, Save the Children, War Child International, Women's Refugee CommissionThis advocacy brief calls upon the international community to uphold the rights and agency of women and girls in conflict and emergency contexts worldwide.