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POSTER: Poster Session 4
10.00 - 12.00 (Asia/Bangkok) | PEACH Pre-Function Area
SRH in humanitarian and fragile settings-related posters include:
- Assessing the Readiness to Provide the Minimum Initial Service Package (MISP) for Sexual and Reproductive Health during Emergencies in the Pacific presented by Barbara Knittel, JSI
- Contraceptive discontinuation rates among displaced populations in Internally Displaced Persons' Camps of Borno State, Nigeria presented by Ulla Mueller, UNFPA Nigeria
- Contraceptive Availability in Crisis Situations in Indonesia presented by Ria Ulina, UNFPA Indonesia
- Changing perception and increasing Family planning services demand among crisis affected communities in northwest Syria: Key achievements and lessons learned presented by Hamzam Borham, Save the Children
PANEL: Enhancing Understanding of the Relationship between GBV and FP Social Norms
10.15 - 11.35 (Asia/Bangkok) | Grand Hotel Orchid Ballroom B
Host: MOMENTUM Health Integrated Resilience
This panel will feature experts from institutions such as MOMENTUM, the University of California San Diego, Johns Hopkins University and Georgetown University to discuss the relationship between GBV and FP in the contexts of the DRC, South Sudan and Niger.
PANEL: Expanding Method Choice: A Case Study of the Unfinished Agenda for Contraceptive Implants
10.15 - 11.35 (Asia/Bangkok) | PEACH Pattaya 17
Experts from Jhpiego, Save the Children, and Abt Associates will convene to discuss contraceptive implants and services in and around humanitarian settings, such as Syria, Tanzania, and Burkina Faso.