IAWG members are addressing sexual and reproductive rights during COVID-19 humanitarian response. Read More>>

Early-Afternoon (11.50 - 16.00)

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PANEL: The Next & Here Frontier: Upholding Quality of Care (QoC) in Family Planning's Self-Care Interventions

11.50 - 13.10 (Asia/Bangkok) | PEACE Pattaya 7

Host: Population Services International

This panel discussion will cover self-care interventions in humanitarian contexts such as Uganda and Francophone African countries by representatives from Population Services International, IRC CAR and Jhpiego.

FLASH PRESENTATION: Civil Society and Community Engagement

11.50 - 13.10 (Asia/Bangkok) | Beach Hotel Royal Summit Chamber A

Presentations by IRC South Sudan, Marie Stopes Bangladesh, UNFPA, University of Toronto, Tulane University, ABMS/PSI, the Association for Reproductive and Family Health, and Jhpiego. Topics include overview of SRH projects and studies in the DRC, Bangladesh, Kenya, Benin, South Sudan, Tanzania and Nigeria.

FLASH PRESENTATION: Capacity Building and Preparedness for SRH in Emergencies

11:50 - 13:10 (Asia/Bangkok) | Beach Hotel Royal Summit Chamber B

Presentations by Pathfinder International, Ipas, Stand With a Girl, Zuellig Family Foundation, University of Minnesota Twin Cities, and Family Planning Association of India. Topics include overview of SRH in emergency projects and research in Nigeria, Malawi, Burkina Faso, India, Bangladesh and Mozambique, as well as on leadership courses on the MISP.

POSTER: Poster Session 2

12.30 - 14.30 (Asia/Bangkok) | PEACH Pre-Function Area

SRH in humanitarian and fragile settings-related posters include:

  • Engaging Men to Support Women's Contraceptive Decision-Making in Guera, Chad presented by IRC Chad's Samy Luketa
  • Empowerment for sustainable livelihoods, changing gender roles, and Gender-Based Violence in Rukiga, Uganda: implications for family planning programmes presented by Richard Muhumuza, London School Of Hygiene And Tropical Medicine
  • PFPPA providing SRH and FP services and methods for women most in need and as emergency response in a protracted humanitarian setting presented by Ammal Awadallah, PFPPA
  • Change stereotypes about SRH services in humanitarian settings through Minimal Initial service Package (MISP) trainings presented by Asifa Khanum, Rahnuma Family Planning Association of Pakistan
  • Young people at forefront of contraception provision in the fragile post-conflict Lango region in northern Uganda presented by Doreen Kenyangi, JSI

LIVE EVENT: Amplifying the Voices of People in Crisis Settings—Through a Photojournalist’s Lens

14.00 (Asia/Bangkok) | ICFP Live Stage

Host: Ipas

Join Ipas President and CEO Dr. Anu Kumar, Ipas Communications Director Jennifer Daw Holloway and photojournalist Martha Tedesse on the ICFP LIVE Stage to explore the power of stories.

Watch Here

PANEL: Innovations in Youth-Oriented Service Delivery Approaches

14.40 - 16.00 (Asia/Bangkok) | Grand Hotel Jomtien 2

Host: Centre for the Study of Adolescence

This panel discussion will feature speakers from the Centre for the Study of Adolescence, IRC Nigeria, DAI and Ideas42. Topics will cover the involvement of youth in SRH as agents of change within their communities, but also as the primary audience to specific services.

POSTER: Poster Session 3

15.30 - 17.30 (Asia/Bangkok) | PEACH Pre-Function Area

SRH in humanitarian and fragile settings-related posters include:

  • Initiation and dissemination of appropriate mass sensitisation tools to increase the interest and access of adolescent girls and youth to SRH services in Tananarive, Madasgar presented by Médecins du Monde
  • Analysis of factors affecting delays in accessing Clinical Management of Rape (CMR) services in Borno State Nigeria presented by Médecins du Monde

Sexual and reproductive health services remain critical during COVID-19

IAWG members and partners are producing clinical and programmatic guidance, assessments, policy papers, and statements to ensure continued prioritization of sexual and reproductive health and rights throughout COVID-19 response in humanitarian settings.