Click the links below to add the events to your personal ICFP calendar or schedule.
FLASH PRESENTATION: Best Practices and Advocacy in Universal Health Coverage and Family Planning
16.15 - 17.35 (Asia/Bangkok) | Beach Hotel Royal Opal Theater
These flash presentations are given by the likes of IRC South Sudan, the National Council for Population and Development, UNFPA, West African Health Organization, and Health Systems Consultants Limited. Contexts include Kenya, Nigeria, South Sudan and West Africa.
PANEL: Measuring Abortion in a Changing World: Innovations and Adaptions to Existing Abortion Measurement Methods
16.15 - 17.35 (Asia/Bangkok) | PEACH Pattaya 1
Host: Guttmacher Institute
This panel discussion will look at data collection and measurement methods of abortions in peace and humanitarian settings.
PANEL: Contraception for Refugees and IDPs
16.15 - 17.35 (Asia/Bangkok) | Grand Hotel Jomtien 1
The panel discussion, featuring experts from UNFPA, Save the Children, and notable academic institutions, will explore the complexities of contraceptions for refugees and IDPs.
SIDE-EVENT: Family Planning in Humanitarian Settings: From Preparedness to Recovery
19.00 (Asia/Bangkok) | Royal Cliff Grand Hotel Orchid Ballroom A
Hosts: IAWG and MOMENTUM Integrated Health Resilience
Please join us to learn more about family planning in humanitarian settings - from preparedness before an emergency occurs all the way to recovery after the emergency. Implementers will share stories from their work across the humanitarian-development nexus, followed by a game that is used to explore family planning during the different phases of humanitarian emergencies. There will be plenty of time to informally chat with others while enjoying drinks and snacks.
SIDE-EVENT: Leave No One Behind: Roadmap to Improving Equity and Access in Family Planning Through Payment-By-Results Programme
19.00 - 21.00 (Asia/Bangkok) | PEACH Pattaya 16
Host: International Planned Parenthood Federation
This event will highlight the unique activities & impact of the Women's Integrated Sexual Health (WISH) consortium project, reflecting the pros and cons (effects) of a payment-by-results contract on the outputs and impact of a large consortium project bringing together unique partners to deliver innovation and services at scale. The event includes unique aspects of the project's cluster model & how it has scaled up contraceptive access, health systems strengthening, and improved the quality of sexual and reproductive information & services.
Registration: Closed Event (invite only)
SIDE-EVENT: The Impact of Climate Change on Women's and Girls' Health: Let's Talk Solutions
19.00 - 21.00 (Asia/Bangkok) | PEACH Pattaya 16
Hosts: Pathfinder International, USAID, Center for Reproductive Rights, UNFPA, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Government of Bangladesh
During this event, Pathfinder will convene representatives of donor agencies, governments, and INGOs/NGOs for a video screening of Pathfinder's women-led climate resilience work in Bangladesh and Pakistan and a roundtable discussion on how stakeholders are engaging with the integration of FP, climate, and gender. Together, we'll discuss cross-sectoral collaboration in addressing climate threats to FP/SRHR access and investments and the women-led community resilience and adaptation required to maintain access to SRHR care throughout the climate crisis.
Registration: Open Event (no registration required) - RSVPs appreciated but not required.