UNHCR implemented a three-year project (supported by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation) to reduce neonatal and maternal mortality and morbidity among refugees in Cameroon, Chad and Niger. The project targeted 772,000 refugees and focused on low-cost, high-impact interventions. A mixed-method assessment of health facilities identified needs/priorities. Action plans were developed, and a monitoring/ supportive supervision tool was designed to track progress. Clinical training packages on leading causes of neonatal and maternal mortality were adapted and rolled-out using a low-dose, high-frequency approach. This initiative contributed to saving newborn lives and improving maternal/newborn care.
Maternal & Neonatal Mortality in Humanitarian Settings Dashboard
IAWG and JhpiegoThe Maternal & Neonatal Mortality in Humanitarian Settings Dashboard is available on AlignMNH’s website and was created by IAWG and Jhpiego. The dashboard is a tool for stakeholders working in countries affected by humanitarian crises to identify and compare the most recent maternal mortality, stillbirth, and neonatal mortality burden estimates from national household surveys and global modelling exercises. Country profiles present the most recent national survey and modelled mortality estimates, as well as available notes on sampling strategy adjustments for household surveys and data sources used in statistical modelling.
Tranexamic Acid for Postpartum Hemorrhage Treatment in Low-Resource Settings: A Rapid Scoping Review
Nguyen Toan Tran, Sarah Bar-Zeev, Catrin Schulte-Hillen, and Willibald ZeckTranexamic acid (TXA) effectively reduces bleeding in women with postpartum hemorrhage (PPH) in hospital settings. To guide policies and practices, this rapid scoping review undertaken by two reviewers aimed to examine how TXA is utilized in lower-level maternity care settings in low-resource settings.
Menstrual material maintenance, disposal, and laundering challenges among displaced girls and women in Northeast Nigeria
Columbia University, Mailman School of Public HealthNew research article which examines how key aspects related to the maintenance of menstrual materials, including disposal and laundering, are frequently overlooked by emergency response organizations.
Evidence on the Use of Cash and Voucher Assistance to Prevent and Respond to Gender-Based Violence in Humanitarian Settings
Women’s Refugee CommissionTo bridge gaps in evidence and to complement its existing guidance and tools on cash and voucher assistance-integrated GBV programming, the Women’s Refugee Commission and its global partners are generating evidence on the use of cash assistance integrated within GBV case management to support survivors’ recovery from violence.
PMNCH Case Study: IAWG
PMNCHIn light of World Refugee Day 2022, the Executive Director of PMNCH, Helga Fogstad, featured IAWG and its work to improve policies, strengthen practice, mobilize resources, and improve accountability.
New research article on menstrual material maintenance, disposal, and laundering challenges among displaced girls and women in Northeast Nigeria
Margaret L. Schmitt, Caitlin Gruer, David Clatworthy, Christopher Kimonye, Deborah E. Peter, and Marni SommerNew research article which examines how key aspects related to the maintenance of menstrual materials, including disposal and laundering, are frequently overlooked by emergency response organizations.
Access to modern family planning methods, including long-acting and reversible contraceptives (LARCs), to prevent unplanned pregnancy is critical to avert maternal deaths in humanitarian and fragile settings, where clinicians often have limited LARC competencies. This paper explores the perspectives and recommendations of providers and trainers involved in piloting the Clinical Outreach Refresher Training for Sexual and Reproductive Health module (S-CORT) on LARCs in Nepal.
Services de contraception dans les contextes humanitaires et dans les liens entre l’humanitaire et le développement : Résumé des lacunes et recommandations tirées d’une évaluation de l’état du terrain
Women's Refugee CommissionCe rapport détaille les resultats et les recommandations d'une évaluation de l’état du terrain qui a analysé les obstacles, les opportunités et les stratégies pour fournir aux femmes et aux filles touchées par une crise des services de contraception.
Panorama global des services de contraception dans différentes situations de crise
Women's Refugee CommissionCe rapport détaille les resultats d'une revue de la littérature, une enquête mondiale sur les programmes de contraception, et une série d’entretiens individuels concentré sur les services de contraception en situations de crise.