A summary of key progress, gaps, and recommendations from the 2012-2014 Global Evaluation provides guidance for the future of sexual and reproductive health in humanitarian settings.
IPPF / Mustafa Quraishi
IAWG members are addressing sexual and reproductive rights during COVID-19 humanitarian response. Read More>>
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A summary of key progress, gaps, and recommendations from the 2012-2014 Global Evaluation provides guidance for the future of sexual and reproductive health in humanitarian settings.
IPPF / Mustafa Quraishi
Updated in August 2016, this guidance describes the new recommended PEP protocol for the prevention of transmission of the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) in the management of survivors of rape. PEP is now composed of 3 ARV medicines as per WHO recommendations. This guidance is to be used by qualified health care providers (medical doctors,…
IPPF / Kathleen Prior
This one-hour interactive course provides an introduction to adolescents’ sexual and reproductive health needs in humanitarian settings. We are currently fundraising to update this tool to HTML5 so it can be used again.
This spreadsheet calculates the number of Inter-Agency Reproductive Health Kits required according to site-specific population and health facility numbers. The calculator also provides kit dimensions and weights and cold-chain requirements to assist with ordering.
Template A is used to help community members better understand the contraceptive options available to them and how to access them in emergency settings.
Template B has two pictures that represent how the number of children a family has can increase the stress, struggle, and strain for the family.
Template C is a chart describing different family planning methods. It shows the different types of family planning methods, their level of protection against pregnancy, and their level of protection against sexually transmitted infections.
Template D illustrates how to use a male condom for both circumcised and uncircumcised men. These can be posted in humanitarian settings and handed out with condoms.
Template E shows a woman in the different situations necessary to use the lactational ammenorhea method, or exclusive breastfeeding.
Template F shows the situations when a woman might need to seek emergency contraception, and illustrates how to use it.
In an effort to provide clear and consistent messages on the Minimum Initial Service Package (MISP) for Reproductive Health, an international standard of care in emergencies, the Women’s Refugee Commission developed information, education and communication (IEC) templates to better inform communities on the importance of seeking care, knowing when and how to seek care, and what services to expect from field agencies. The need to convey information to beneficiary populations has been identified as one of the gaps in improving service uptake.
Template G tells community members what to do after forced sex. The template is available with or without region-specific illustrations and in a variety of languages including Arabic, Burmese, English, Somali, and Swahili.
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