The Field Manual is the authoritative guidance on sexual and reproductive health in humanitarian settings. It is a critical tool to ensure that people displaced by conflict and disaster have access to high-quality, inclusive, and respectful sexual and reproductive health care. Available in English, Arabic, French, and Spanish.
Checklist for Action: Prevention & Response to Gender-Based Violence in Displaced Settings
RHRC Consortium, JSI Research and Training InstituteThis action-oriented checklist is a tool for humanitarian and community workers to respond to and prevent gender-based violence in displacement settings.
Field-Friendly Guide to Integrate Emergency Obstetric Care in Humanitarian Programs
Women's Refugee Commission on behalf of the Reproductive Health Response in Conflict ConsortiumThis guide focuses on the practical aspects essential for successfully implementing emergency obstetric care in the field, including the UN process indicators for monitoring and evaluation of services.
Guidelines for the Care of Sexually Transmitted Infections in Conflict-affected Settings
Women's Refugee CommissionThese guidelines aim to raise awareness of the complexities of sexually transmitted infection (STI) care and highlight possible improvements.
Clinical management of rape survivors e-learning programme
WHO, UNFPA, UNHCRBased on WHO/UNHCR Clinical Management of Rape Survivors guidance (2004), this e-learning programme teaches health-care providers how to provide an appropriate and integrated package of care to rape survivors in humanitarian settings.
Newborn Health in Humanitarian Settings
Save the Children, UNICEF, World Health Organization (WHO)The Field Guide is a compilation and summary of existing standards of care for newborn health, with additional guidance on how to provide newborn services in the context of a humanitarian setting.

Inter-agency Standing Committee Guidelines for Integrating GBV Interventions in Humanitarian Action 2015 (IASC GBV Guidelines)
Inter-Agency Standing Committee (IASC)The Guidelines support humanitarian stakeholders in protecting crisis-affected persons by: implementing GBV prevention and mitigation strategies; strengthening national and community-based systems; and aiding the recovery of communities through supporting local and national capacity.
Building National Resilience for Sexual and Reproductive Health: Learning from Current Experiences Report
Women's Refugee CommissionThis report analyzes three case studies of sexual and reproductive health being integrated into emergency and disaster risk management.

Adolescent Sexual and Reproductive Health Programs in Humanitarian Settings: An In-depth Look at Family Planning Services
Women's Refugee Commission, Save the Children, UNFPA, UNHCRThis report documents findings and recommendations from a year-long exercise to map existing adolescent sexual and reproductive health programs that have been implemented since 2009 and document good practices.
Refocusing Family Planning in Refugee Settings
Women's Refugee Commission, United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR)A five-country baseline assessment on family planning documenting the knowledge, beliefs, perceptions and practices of refugees, as well as the state of service provision.
A comprehensive evaluation of reproductive health services in humanitarian settings from 2004. Synopsis: Progress, Gaps and Challenges Ahead: Inter-agency global evaluation of reproductive health for refugees and internally displaced persons Summary: Inter-agency global evaluation of reproductive health services for refugees and internally displaced persons: Summary of evaluation components Evaluation Report: a. Foreword, Acknowledgements, Table…
Seven complementary studies contributed to identifying the gaps in sexual and reproductive health care between 2012 and 2014.

IPPF / Isabel Corthier