This resource package uses global standards on providing basic support and information to survivors of gender-based violence (GBV) without doing further harm. We encourage the adaptation of this resource to the local context with the support of a GBV specialist.
Joint UN statement on Ending violence and discrimination against lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex people
United National Human Rights Office of the High CommissionerThe statement is a powerful call to action to Governments to do more to tackle homophobic and transphobic violence and discrimination and abuses against intersex people, and an expression of the commitment on the part of UN entities to support Member States to do so.
How does the world look from another’s perspective – particularly from the view of a woman who is experiencing violence? In Her Shoes allows us to temporarily experience life as a woman experiencing violence. It is an interactive, educational exercise used in a workshop setting to help us connect to the day-to-day reality for women experiencing violence, deepen our empathy and compel us to take action.
Steven Kighoma: Raising Awareness of Conflict-Related Sexual Violence Against Men and Boys.
Institute of Development StudiesThis short film is part of a series of five testimonies from male survivor activists giving their perspective on responses to their experience of sexual violence
Strengthening the Medico-legal Response to Sexual Violence
World Health Organization (WHO)This toolkit is practitioner-focused and addresses key knowledge gaps within and between sectors, to help support service provision and coordination in low-resource settings. It is part of a World Health Organization (WHO) and United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) Project on Strengthening Medico-Legal Services for Sexual Violence Cases in Conflict-Affected Settings, supported by United Nations Action against Sexual Violence in Conflict (UN Action).
Emergency Contraceptive Pills: Fast Facts for Health Care Providers in Crisis Settings
IAWG, International Consortium for Emergency Contraception (ICEC)This document, co-authored by ICEC and the Inter-Agency Working Group on Reproductive Health in Crises, provides information about EC for health care providers in crisis settings. It discusses information about EC, such as the timeframe during which it can be taken and safety concerns, and provides a chart outlining the different regimens of oral contraceptive pills that can be taken to make EC when a dedicated EC product is not available.
Helping Babies Breathe Second Edition Facilitator Flip Chart
Helping Babies Breathe, American Academy of PediatricsProvides an overview of updates made to each of the HBB 2nd Edition materials – Action Plan, Facilitator Flip Chart, and Provider Guide – that clearly delineates the changes between HBB 1st Edition and HBB 2nd Edition.
A concise summary for a policy audience that conveys the importance of implementing the Minimum Initial Service Package (MISP) for sexual and reproductive health at the onset of every emergency.

IPPF / Isabel Corthier
Universal & Adaptable Information, Education & Communication (IEC) Templates on Family Planning
IAWG, Women's Refugee CommissionDownload a variety of information, education and communications (IEC) materials to share with refugees about the benefits of family planning services and what methods are available for their use.
Designed for healthcare workers in clinical and/or community-based settings, these job aids empower medical professionals and clients to carefully discuss and select family planning methods.
This manual provides an overview of the Inter-Agency Reproductive Health Kits, pre-packaged kits of the essential drugs, equipment and supplies needed to implement the Minimum Initial Service Package for Reproductive Health in humanitarian settings.
Reproductive Health Assessment (RHA) Toolkit for Conflict-Affected Women
Centers for Disease ControlThis toolkit quantitatively assesses the reproductive health needs of conflict-affected women, enabling field staff to collect data informing program planning, monitoring, evaluation, and advocacy.