Whether you’re attending The Nairobi Summit on ICPD25 in-person or showing your support remotely, you can help to promote the importance of strong commitments to sexual and reproductive health and rights for people affected by humanitarian crises.
Amplify IAWG’s message by sharing these graphics and posts across your social profiles and by using relevant partners' handles and hashtags.
Partner Handles
@CARE @IpasOrg @WomenDeliver @IRC @reprorights @FP2020Global @SavetheChildren @wrcommission @Guttmacher @fhi360 @EngenderHealth @SheDecidesGFI @pai_org
#ICPD25 #NairobiSummit #IMarchFor #Humanitarian4Her #abortionaccess
Tweets about ICPD
IAWG welcomes #NairobiSummitt commitment on #ICPD25 to “uphold the right to #SRH care in humanitarian and fragile settings” including, the right to safe abortion. #IMarchFor #ICPD25 #Humanitarian4Her
The global fight for #SRHR has made progress since #ICPD in 1994. But efforts to deliver #SRH services & supplies in crisis-affected settings continue to face tremendous challenges. Let’s change that – #reprohealth services in emergencies is a must. #ICPD25 #NairobiSummit
What we want from #ICPD25: Increased funding for emergency health programs that meet the #SRHR needs of people in crises. #NairobiSummit #Humanitarian4Her
What we want from #ICPD25: Rights-based programs to ensure #SRHR for the most marginalized populations, including adolescents, SOGIESC persons, people with disabilities & people engaging in sex work. #NairobiSummit #Humanitarian4Her
What we want from #ICPD25: Comprehensive & rights-based programs that meet the #SRHR needs, including #safeabortion & contraceptive services for people in humanitarian settings. #NairobiSummit #Humanitarian4Her

Tweets about Sexual and Reproductive Health
We know #SRH needs of women & girls don’t stop when emergencies strike—let’s make #contraception and abortion services an essential part of any emergency health response. #ICPD25 #NairobiSummit #IMarchFor #Humanitarian4Her
Fact: In 2018, 136 million people were in need of humanitarian aid – 34 million were women of reproductive age; and 5 million of those were pregnant. #SRH services need to part of any emergency health response. #ICPD25 #NairobiSummit #IMarchFor #Humanitarian4Her
We know #SRH services are overlooked in emergencies. We know an est. 500 women & adolescent girls die every day from complications during pregnancy & childbirth in humanitarian settings. Women & girls in crisis settings need access to #contraception & #safeabortion. #ICPD25 #NairobiSummit #Humanitarian4Her
#SRH care within emergency response = essential, wanted, needed & possible. Access to comprehensive #SRH services helps ensure women & girls have the power to make autonomous decisions about their bodies & their futures. #ICPD25 #NairobiSummit #IMarchFor #Humanitarian4Her
DYK: 32 million women & girls are affected by conflict and disaster. They deserve access to basic health care—including #reprohealth #contraception and #safeabortion. #ICPD25 #NairobiSummit #IMarchFor #Humanitarian4Her
#SDGs can only be achieved when countries respond to the needs of people living in protracted crises. This includes ensuring all women & girls have access to #SRH services. Including #contraception and #safeabortion. #ICPD25 #NairobiSummit #IMarchFor #Humanitarian4HerDelivering #SRH services in emergencies is not optional, it is an obligation. #ICPD25 #NairobiSummit #IMarchFor #Humanitarian4Her
IAWG advocates for the inclusion of people affected by humanitarian crises in key #SRHR fora including #FP2020, #ICPD25 and other global initiatives. Learn more here: http://bit.ly/2Nd7Tlu#ICPD25 #NairobiSummit #IMarchFor #Humanitarian4Her

Tweets about the MISP
The Minimum Initial Service Package (MISP) for #SRH is a priority set of life‐saving activities to be implemented at the onset of every humanitarian crisis. http://bit.ly/2WQs6kx#ICPD25 #NairobiSummit #Humanitarian4Her
The MISP is the international standard of care that should be implemented at the onset of every emergency. It saves lives and prevents illness, trauma and disability, especially among women and adolescent girls. http://bit.ly/2WQs6kx#ICPD25 #NairobiSummit #Humanitarian4Her
Implementing MISP in humanitarian settings can prevent maternal and newborn deaths, #GBV; unwanted pregnancies and unsafe abortions. http://bit.ly/2WQs6kx#ICPD25 #NairobiSummit #Humanitarian4Her
The Inter-Agency Emergency #reprohealth kits managed by #UNFPA include medicines, devices & commodities necessary to provide basic, minimum, lifesaving #SRH services at the early phase of a humanitarian emergency. http://bit.ly/2WQs6kx#ICPD25 #NairobiSummit #Humanitarian4Her

Facebook Posts
Reproductive health care within emergency response = essential, wanted, needed & possible. Access to comprehensive sexual and reproductive health services helps ensure women and girls have the power to make autonomous decisions about their bodies and their futures. #ICPD25 #NairobiSummit #Humanitarian4Her
Sexual and reproductive health care services are often overlooked in emergencies. In 2018, 136 million people were in need of humanitarian aid – 34 million were women of reproductive age; and 5 million of those were pregnant. This is why all women and girls living in crisis settings need access to contraception and safe abortion services. #ICPD25 #NairobiSummit #Humanitarian4Her
What we want from #ICPD25 #NairobiSummit #Humanitarian4Her:
- Increased funding for emergency health programs that meet the sexual and reproductive health needs of people in crises.
- Rights-based programs to ensure reproductive health services for the most marginalized populations, including adolescents, SOGIESC persons, people with disabilities & people engaging in transactional sex.
- Comprehensive and rights-based programs that meet the sexual and reproductive health needs, including safe abortion and contraceptive services for people in humanitarian settings.
Official Content
This Trello board is the central place to find all the official social media content for the Nairobi Summit on ICPD25. Please bear in mind that there is no embargo on any of the materials available and all content can be shared widely on social media.