These guidelines provide recommendations to mothers and their babies on the prevention, treatment, and surveillance of women who are exposed to Ebola virus disease (EVD), acquire EVD during pregnancy or breastfeeding, or survive EVD with ongoing pregnancies.
SRH Clinical Outreach Refresher Trainings for Crisis Settings (S-CORTs)
IAWG Training Partnership InitiativeThe Sexual and Reproductive Health (SRH) Clinical Outreach Refresher Trainings (S-CORTs) are a series of training materials specifically designed for SRH service providers working in crisis-affected contexts. Each training covers a select set of lifesaving skills that contribute to the objectives of the Minimum Initial Service Package (MISP) for SRH in Emergencies. The adaptable materials are designed for use by clinical trainers conducting brief, face-to-face workshops.

This unit teaches users the objectives of the minimum initial service package for sexual and reproductive health (SRH), explains why SRH matters in humanitarian emergencies, and how to obtain funding.

This unit describes the importance of having a lead sexual and reproductive health (SRH) agency and Coordinator and what their roles and functions are.

This unit explains what sexual violence is and why preventing it and responding to the needs of survivors is a priority, including how to prevent sexual violence and treat survivors.

This unit explains ways to prevent the transmission of HIV and STIs in humanitarian settings in order to ruduce the morbidity and mortality caused by HIV and STIs.

This unit explains why preventing unintended pregnancies is a lifesaving priority and what contraception methods should be made available.

This unit explains why preventing maternal and newborn morbidity and mortality is a priority and how it can be reduced in humanitarian settings.

This unit explains the importance of planning for comprehensive sexual and reproductive health services and the World Health Organization (WHO) health system building blocks.