COPE® Handbook: A Process for Improving Quality in Health Services, Revised Edition reflects lessons that EngenderHealth and its counterparts in more than 45 countries have learned over the past decades in developing, applying, evaluating, and adapting COPE. In this revision, the handbook’s format has been updated to be more user-friendly for facilitators as they orient managers, train site facilitators, guide facility staff in using the COPE tools, and adapt the COPE process and tools to best fit the facility’s needs. The chapters are organized to take the reader from an introduction to the concepts of COPE and quality improvement to the basics of how to prepare and lead the first COPE exercises, facilitate an Action Plan Meeting, conduct subsequent exercises, perform a Client-Flow Analysis, and follow up between exercises.
This unit describes monitoring and its importance in improving abortion-related services; the general steps for integrating abortion-related services into existing sexual and reproductive health programs; developing a work plan to ensure effective supply management, the sustainability of uterine evacuation services, and ongoing training/mentoring needs.
By the end of this unit, participants will be able to:
- Describe monitoring and its importance in improving abortion-related services.
- Describe the general steps for the integration of abortion-related services into existing sexual and reproductive health programs.
- Understand and contribute towards a work plan to ensure the supply and resupply of instruments, medications, and supplies, the sustainability of uterine evacuation services, and ongoing training/mentoring needs.
Timing & Methodology
Total: 30 minutes, Facilitator Presentation and Group Discussion
- Print, download, and gather materials
- Label flip chart: “Monitoring” and write down the Elements of a Monitoring/Sustainability Plan for Uterine Evacuation Services in Crisis Settings on slide 244
- Be familiar with any monitoring practices in the participants’ facilities
- Be prepared with examples of monitoring for abortion-related services
- Review the medical abortion and MVA calculators
- Review the Medical Abortion Commodities Database
Resources Available Online
- Refer to the Facilitator's Guide for the Detailed Session Guide and list of materials needed for this unit
- Presentation
- Participant Workbook