The 2018 Field Manual provides evidence-based information about the application and adaptation of global sexual and reproductive rights or human rights standards in humanitarian settings. Available in English, Arabic, French, and Spanish.
This unit explains why uterine evacuation is an essential part of reproductive health services in crisis settings; explores comfort levels in discussing, advocating, and providing uterine evacuation services; and reviews the current abortion law in the setting and how it relates to what and how services are provided.
By the end of this unit, participants will be able to:
- Explain why uterine evacuation is an essential part of reproductive health services in crisis settings.
- Articulate their comfort levels in discussing, advocating, and providing uterine evacuation services.
- Explain what the current abortion law is in their setting and how it relates to what and how services are provided.
Timing & Methodology
Total: 60 minutes (1 hour)
- 15 minutes: Facilitator Presentation and Group Discussion
- 30 minutes: Values Clarification Activity: Crossing the Line
- 15 minutes: Facilitator Presentation and Case Studies
- Print, download, and gather materials
- Research current abortion laws and policies in your setting and prepare a short (15 minutes or less) presentation on the topic
- Put the current written law on a slide, write it on a flip chart sheet, or prepare a handout
- Read through the following sections from the 2018 Inter-agency Field Manual on Reproductive Health in Humanitarian Settings:
- Note anything applicable to your training setting and share this information with participants
- Using a long piece of tape or string, draw a line on the floor in the middle of an area large enough to accommodate all participants and allow them room to move around
- Review and adapt Crossing the Line Statements, if needed
Resources Available Online
- Refer to the Facilitator's Guide for the Detailed Session Guide and list of materials needed for this unit
- Presentation
- Participant Workbook