This unit explains why uterine evacuation is an essential part of reproductive health services in crisis settings; explores comfort levels in discussing, advocating, and providing uterine evacuation services; and reviews the current abortion law in the setting and how it relates to what and how services are provided.
By the end of this unit, participants will:
- Explain why uterine evacuation is an essential part of reproductive health services in crisis settings.
- Articulate their comfort levels in discussing, advocating, and providing uterine evacuation services.
- Explain what the current abortion law is in their setting and how it relates to what and how services are provided.
Timing & Methodology
Total: 75 minutes (1 hour, 15 minutes)
- 15 minutes: Facilitator Presentation and Group Discussion
- 30 minutes: Values Clarification Activity: Crossing the Line
- 30 minutes: Facilitator Presentation and Case Studies
- Print, download, and gather materials
- Research current abortion laws and policies in your setting and prepare a short (15 minutes or less) presentation on the topic
- Put the current written law on a slide, write it on a flip chart sheet, or prepare a handout
- Read through the following sections from the 2018 Inter-agency Field Manual on Reproductive Health in Humanitarian Settings:
- Chapter 8 Comprehensive Abortion Care, Section 8.3.2 Needs Assessment (p147)
- Chapter 8 Comprehensive Abortion Care, Section 8.4 Human Rights & Legal Considerations (p160-2)
- Note anything applicable to your training setting and share this information with participants
- Using a long piece of tape or string, draw a line on the floor in the middle of an area large enough to accommodate all participants and allow them room to move around
- Review and adapt Crossing the Line Statements, if needed
Resources Available Online
- Refer to the Facilitator's Guide for the Detailed Session Guide and list of materials needed for this unit
- Presentation
- Participant Workbook
- Inter-Agency Field Manual on Reproductive Health in Humanitarian Settings (IAWG, 2018)