This unit explains the options for uterine evacuation and why they are especially useful in crisis settings, uterine evacuation procedure options counseling, and obtaining informed consent prior to uterine evacuation.
By the end of this unit, participants will be able to:
- Describe the various uterine evacuation options and explain why they are especially useful in crisis settings.
- Describe the safety, effectiveness, and possible complications of MVA.
- Explain how medical abortion and misoprostol for incomplete abortion may be useful options for some women in crisis settings with MVA backup.
- Provide uterine evacuation procedure options counseling for women seeking uterine evacuation.
- Obtain informed consent prior to uterine evacuation.
Timing & Methodology
Total: 60 minutes (1 hour)
- 30 minutes: Facilitator Presentation and Group Discussion
- 15 minutes: Small Group Work: Case Studies
- 15 minutes: Facilitator Presentation and Group Discussion
- Print, download, and gather materials
- Bring two pieces of different colored paper for each participant (for example, if you have 20 participants, bring 10 sheets of red and 10 sheets of blue)
Resources Available Online
- Refer to the Facilitator's Guide for the Detailed Session Guide and list of materials needed for this unit
- Presentation
- Participant Workbook