The next stop on the Toolkit roadmap is Priority Adolescent Sexual and Reproductive Health (ASRH) in Emergency Activities, which provides guidance on how to implement Adolescent-Inclusive Minimal Initial Service Package for Sexual and Reproductive Health in Crisis Situations (MISP). The Adolescent-Inclusive MISP outlines the critical sexual and reproductive health (SRH) activities that humanitarians should prioritize in emergency settings to address adolescents’ unique needs. These activities should be implemented from the onset of an emergency through to the recovery phase.
Learning Objectives
After reading this chapter, readers should be able to:
- Provide examples of adolescent-inclusive SRH activities from each of the six MISP objectives
- Describe the key priority action of the MISP—the provision of safe abortion care for adolescents
Please note, links to other chapters within the toolkit will not work in Chapter PDFs. Instead, download the full PDF.
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