IAWG members are addressing sexual and reproductive rights during COVID-19 humanitarian response. Read More>>

Chapter 2: Roadmap to Using the ASRH Toolkit

What the Toolkit Is

The Toolkit provides practical guidance to assist sexual and reproductive health (SRH) humanitarian staff and organizations in designing, implementing, monitoring, and evaluating adolescent sexual and reproductive health (ASRH) activities, with the ultimate goal of increasing access to and delivery of SRH services for adolescents in emergency contexts. The Toolkit will also assist organizations and their staff, in collaboration with national implementing partners (government offices, community-based organizations, local non-governmental organizations [NGOs], etc), to invest in local capacity, as well as health system strengthening. The Toolkit is a complementary resource to the Inter-Agency Field Manual (IAFM) on Reproductive Health in Humanitarian Settings (IAFM) and the Minimum Initial Service Package (MISP) for Sexual and Reproductive Health in Crisis Situations. The first iteration of the Toolkit was in 2012; the main updates to the 2020 Toolkit version include:

  1. increased emphasis on meaningful participation of adolescents and community members throughout the program cycle and across the emergency-to-development continuum;
  2. added prioritization of integrating ASRH activities across all humanitarian sectors;
  3. and a shift from stand-alone ASRH projects to more holistic programming.

All of the updates to the Toolkit align with the changes made to the IAFM in 2018. In accordance with IAFM’s Chapter 6 on ASRH, the programming modalities, intervention activities, and project guidance discussed in this Toolkit are based on the current evidence base and emerging best practices for initiating and scaling up ASRH programs—using a human-centered approach. The revised Toolkit also adds guidance on data for action and management tools for program and field managers to utilize when implementing ASRH activities.

What the Toolkit is NOT

A depository of all ASRH activities, interventions, and programs from across the world. However, the Toolkit does provide guidance on the necessary components to include in ASRH activities and programs, as well as tools and links to several ASRH intervention resources and tips.

Why We Are Updating it Now

The ASRH Toolkit was originally developed in 2009 by Save the Children and the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) as a companion to the IAFM. Since 2009, there has been an increase in evidence and knowledge acquired from the field. Thus, in 2019, the IAWG ASRH Sub-Working Group began revising the original ASRH Toolkit for Humanitarian Settings in accordance with changes to the IAFM (2018) and MISP (2019) and the release of Compact for Young People in Humanitarian Action’s ‘Guidelines on Working with and for Young People in Humanitarian and Protracted Crises’ (2020).

Who the Toolkit is For

SRH coordinators and managers in humanitarian settings are the primary audiences for the 2020 ASRH Toolkit for Humanitarian Settings. These include, but are not limited to, individuals from youth organizations and networks, local and international NGOs, government entities, UN agencies, and private institutions. However, other health professionals, such as service providers (doctors, nurses, midwives) and non-health humanitarian staff, such as case management coordinators, will also find useful information about a range of SRH issues affecting adolescents in emergency settings.

How to Use the Toolkit

The Toolkit includes nine chapters, as well as annexed tools, a resource table, and alphabetized lists of all sources cited throughout the Toolkit, which are organized by chapter.1 As the above roadmap shows, the chapters are color-coded and chapter links are provided at the start of each chapter for quick navigation. The Toolkit also includes several breakout boxes to draw readers’ attention to important messages, considerations, and case studies. For key messages and implementation considerations, readers will find these in this color box. For case studies, readers will find these in this color box. For links to additional guidance or resources, readers will be taken to the resource table, where a short description, citation, and link to the resource is included.


Please note, links to other chapters within the toolkit will not work in Chapter PDFs. Instead, download the full PDF.


  1. Note: For more information on sources for specific sentences or paragraphs, please contact info.iawg@wrcommission.org

Sexual and reproductive health services remain critical during COVID-19

IAWG members and partners are producing clinical and programmatic guidance, assessments, policy papers, and statements to ensure continued prioritization of sexual and reproductive health and rights throughout COVID-19 response in humanitarian settings.