This scoping review had the aim to retrieve and analyze the published scientific literature concerning the vulnerability of migrant women and the consequent negative impacts they experience during disasters in their host countries.
UNFPA-supported midwives like Sifa Ndeze, Patience Kavira and Fyfy Omoyi are among the frontline workers in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), supporting survivors of violence and providing critical care before, during and after childbirth. The Bulengo settlement is currently hosting tens of thousands of people internally displaced by the ongoing crisis in the DRC.
International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF) is thrilled to share that its Client-Centred Clinical Guidelines for Sexual and Reproductive Healthcare are now available in full, and in four languages, on a mobile app! Content includes tables, tools and references at your fingertips for easy reference.

This new featured article in Ms. Magazine explores the critical nature of civic engagement in advancing abortion advocacy. Written by Ms. Eve Brecker, the article highlights partners of PAI that are working to advance universal access to sexual and reproductive health and rights through advocacy, partnerships and funding.

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Conflict-Related Sexual Violence Before and After the Cessation of Hostilities Agreement in Tigray, Ethiopia
Physicians from Human RightsThis report – prepared by a joint research team composed of professionals with medical and public health training and expertise in Ethiopia and Physicians from Human Rights – finds that, since the start of the conflict in November 2020 until June 2023, military actors have perpetrated brutal and widespread acts of conflict-related sexual violence in Tigray and that these acts have not ceased following the signing of the Cessation of Hostilities Agreement.
Considerations for Program Managers to Improve Sexual and Reproductive Health Services for Displaced Populations
Patricia Doherty, Erin Wheeler, Vernon Mochache, Taban John Mark, Geoffrey Luttah, Berhanu Bero, Ellen Clancy, Melissa Cockroft, Ahmed Omar, Ginny Robins, Karine Penrose-Theis and Alexandra ToddDisplaced populations face profound challenges in accessing high-quality sexual and reproductive health and family planning services. As the drivers of displacement increase, driven by conflict, climate change, and humanitarian crises, the need for effective understanding and implementation of sexual and reproductive health and rights is ever more acute. This journal articles summarizes key program insights and lessons focused on the need to strengthen country ownership, ensure a coordinated and adaptive approach, prioritize rights, and expand self-care to reach the most marginalized groups
"Midwives are Heroes of the Country": Qualitative Evaluation of a Midwifery Education Program in South Sudan
Shiromi M. Perera, Guma Patrick Isa, Abdou Sebushishe, Preethika Sundararaj, Megan Piccirillo, Shanell Xia, Amaya Langaigne, Javed Ali and Sara E. CaseyA new article published in Frontiers in Global Women's Health shares results from a study conducted in South Sudan in 2022 by International Medical Corps and partners at Columbia University's RAISE Initiative. The aim of the study was to assess the midwifery education program at three schools receiving support from International Medical Corps. Overall, the quality of the midwifery education program in South Sudan appears to be strong; however, the findings highlight the need to ensure sustained funding for midwifery education, as well as health system strengthening. Continued investment in midwifery education and training is critical to reduce high maternal mortality and morbidity in South Sudan.
Technical Discussion: Improving Quantification Processes in Humanitarian and Disaster Settings
JSI Online WebinarPlease join JSI for a technical discussion on how to improve the quantification of pharmaceuticals in emergency and humanitarian settings when the availability of data is limited. Participants will review forecasting and quantification processes used for transitioning from health kits to individual items and the discussion will feature speakers from JSI, UNFPA, and IRC Syria.

Webinar series: New Approaches to Addressing Gender-Based Violence in Humanitarian Settings
Elrha’s Humanitarian Innovation Fund (HIF) Online WebinarElrha’s Humanitarian Innovation Fund (HIF) is launching a series of webinars, starting on 12 September 2023, that showcase innovations related to humanitarian gender-based violence (GBV) programmes. This series should be of interest to GBV practitioners, innovators, humanitarian donors and anyone else who wants to hear about the specific innovations being presented each time, or more broadly about the important role innovation can play in this sector.
UNHCR’s new guidance provides practical orientation for UNHCR and partners on the provision of community health services for refugees and other forcibly displaced populations.
Case Studies on Newborn Health Policy, Strategy and Action Plan Implementation in Humanitarian and Fragile Settings
Every Newborn Action Plan, Emergency Group (ENAP-E), led by UNICEF and Save the ChildrenThis document was developed as part of the work of Every Newborn Action Plan, Emergency Group (ENAP-E), led by UNICEF and Save the Children. This report describes the situation, bottlenecks and opportunities on newborn health in varied humanitarian settings and fosters north- and south-to-south collaboration to advance this agenda. The participating countries are Afghanistan, Colombia, the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), Iraq, Somalia, South Sudan, and Yemen.
Smiles for Mothers Playbook: Reducing Postpartum Haemorrhage through Service Delivery and Supply Chain Innovations
Smiles for MothersThe Smiles for Mothers Playbook is a comprehensive guide to implementing the latest WHO guidelines for the prevention of post-partum haemorrhage in Nigeria. The playbook is a culmination of the activities, experiences, achievements, and lessons from the roll-out of the WHO recommendations by the Smiles for Mothers program in Kano, Lagos, and Niger States.