With funding from The Netherlands, WHO in collaboration with UNFPA implemented a project to build the capacity of Health Cluster partners to address unmet reproductive health needs of women and girls in Bangladesh (Cox’s Bazar), the Democratic Republic of the Congo (Kasai) and Yemen, through cluster and sector coordination mechanisms. This resource is a summary of the project's activities and outputs.
Executive Summary for the Study: Advancing Menstrual Health, Education and Economic Progress: A Comparative Study
New Perimeter and Days for Girls InternationalThis recently published Executive Summary for the study, "Advancing Menstrual Health (MH), Education and Economic Progress: A Comparative Study," shares four target areas to focus on to achieve sound implementation of MH programming and policies from findings based on research and discussions with local experts from the study. The comparative study was done by New Perimeter, the nonprofit affiliate of DLA Piper, in collaboration with Days for Girls International, to review the laws and policies impacting menstrual health in the education sector of 12 countries.
Here you will find key resources on maternal and newborn health in humanitarian and fragile settings, collated by the IAWG Maternal and Newborn Health Sub-Working Group (MNH SWG).
As outlined in the Strategic Plan, over the next five years, IAWG will focus on the following principal areas of work to expand its reach and improve accessibility of our coalition resources and expertise: strengthen the evidence base; create an enabling environment for SRHR; ensure the operational sustainability of the coalition; harness technical expertise; and support frontline implementers.
This Summary outlines IAWG's endeavors to undertake the next Global Evaluation beginning in 2023, with a goal to publish and disseminate the study’s findings in 2025.
These informational sheets provide synopses of the work of IAWG as a whole, as well as the IAWG MNH SWG.
These documents provide concrete recommendations, instructions, and actions for implementing and providing MNH in the field.
This is a sampling of relevant research articles and studies that provide an evidence base and deeper analysis of MNH in humanitarian settings.
These are a few strategies that outline policies and plans for accelerating MNH across the humanitarian-development nexus.
These toolkits provide information on procurement of supplies, assessment of facilities, training of trainers and more.
These are various blog and articles written by and for the MNH community focus on MNH in humanitarian settings and its intersection with other sectors.
This designed postcard gives an overview of the IAWG MNH SWG, including its priorities and members, as well as a map of the current MNH countries of concern globally.