UNFPA Whole of Syria Situational Report #5 for Türkiye-Syria Earthquake
UNFPA Whole of Syria Situation Report #4: Türkiye-Syria Earthquake - 23 February 2023
UNFPA Whole of Syria Situation Report #3: Türkiye-Syria Earthquake - 17 February 2023
UNFPA Whole of Syria Situation Report #2: Türkiye-Syria Earthquake - 13 February 2023
UNFPA Whole of Syria Situation Report #1: Türkiye-Syria Earthquake - 08 February 2023
Arabic Translation- Health Facility Assessment (HFA) Tool: MISP Process Evaluation
IAWG / UNFPA translationArabic translation of the Health Facility Assessment Tool
She Pays the Highest Price: The Toll of Conflict on Sexual and Reproductive Health in Northwest Syria
Physicians for Human Rights, Syrian American Medical Society, Syria Relief and Development and the International Rescue Committee (IRC)This report shines a light on the daily experiences of health care staff who provide sexual and reproductive health (SRH) services, and, in turn, the patients who try to access these services. While the impact of the violence in Syria on health care has been widely documented, the existing literature on the impact of violence on the provision of SRH care is scant. This report contributes to a greater understanding of this underexamined crisis.
Addressing challenges in the availability, accessibility and quality of clinical care for rape survivors in humanitarian settings.

IPPF / Kathleen Prior
CMR and IPV Survivors: Developing Protocols for Use in Humanitarian Settings
UNFPA, UNHCR and WHOThis guide is intended for use by qualified health-care providers (medical doctors, clinical officers, midwives and nurses) who are working in humanitarian emergencies or other similar settings, and who wish to develop specific protocols for the medical care of survivors of sexual violence and IPV.
The GBV AoR brings together non-governmental organisations, UN agencies, academics and others under the shared objective of ensuring life-saving, predictable, accountable and effective GBV prevention, risk mitigation and response in emergencies, both natural disaster and conflict-related humanitarian contexts.
This global assessment report -Self-Care for Sexual and Reproductive Health in Humanitarian and Fragile Settings: Barriers, Opportunities and Lessons Learned- synthesizes findings and lessons-learned from interviews conducted with leading experts working on self-care and SRHR in humanitarian, fragile and stable settings, including program implementers, researchers, donors and more.
Map of 2023 Countries with UN Humanitarian Appeals that Contribute to Global Maternal Deaths, Newborn Death and Stillbirths
IAWG Sub-Working Group on Maternal and Newborn HealthThis map of countries with 2023 UN humanitarian appeals that contribute to global maternal deaths, newborn death and stillbirth was developed by the IAWG Sub-Working Group on Maternal and Newborn Health and updated in February 2023.