This self-instructional learning module increases knowledge of priority SRH services that must be initiated at the onset of a humanitarian crisis and provides the information and tools needed to fully implement the MISP.
The ASRH Sub-Working Group released the 2020 revision of the ASRH toolkit for humanitarian settings, ran a webinar series to assist adolescent-led organizations in their COVID-19 responses, and provided 15 grants to adolescent-led organizations.
Launched the Accelerating Newborn Health in Humanitarian Settings Initiative.
Life After Ebola: Mothers Return to Health Facilities in Sierra Leone
JSI R&T, FHI360, Action Contre la Faim, ADRA, GOAL, IMC, Save the Children, Ministry of Health and Sanitation/Government of Sierra LeonePhotobook document mothers returning to health care facilities in Sierra Leone post Ebola
APC, Sierra Leone - Understanding the Challenges of Delivering Community Maternal and Child Health Care Services in the Post-Ebola Context
JSI R&T, FHI 360, Ministry of Health and Sanitation/Republic of Sierra LeoneInfographic describing the challenges of delivering community-based CH services in a post Ebola context in Sierra Leone
Communities Help to Decrease Home Deliveries Through Facility Management Committees
JSI R&T, FHI360, Action Contre la Faim, ADRA, GOAL, IMC, Save the Children, Ministry of Health and Sanitation/Republic of Sierra LeoneSuccess story documenting communities helping to decrease home deliveries through Facility Management Committees
The Post-Ebola Transition: Strengthening RMNCH Services in Sierra Leone
JSI R&T, FHI 360, Ministry of Health and Sanitation/Republic of Sierra LeoneTwo-page brief describing post Ebola activities in Sierra Leone to strengthen RMNCH services
Assessing Respectful Maternity Care in a Fragile, Conflict-affected Context: Observations From a 2016 National Assessment in Afghanistan
Sheena Currei, Laila Natiq, Zelaikha Anwari, and Hannah TappisEvidence on experiences and perceptions of care in pregnancy and childbirth in conflict-affected settings is limited. Researchers interviewed 561 maternity care providers and observed 413 antenatal care consultations, 671 births, and 393 postnatal care consultations at public health facilities across Afghanistan. Researchers found that healthcare providers work under stressed conditions with insufficient support, and most women receive mixed quality care. Understanding socio-cultural and contextual factors underpinning acceptance of mistreatment in childbirth, related to conflict, insecurity, gender, and power dynamics s critical for improving the quality of maternity care in Afghanistan and similar fragile and conflict-affected settings.
The Economic Cost of Violence Against Women and Girls in Low- and Middle-Income Countries: A Systematic Review of the Evidence
Washington University, UNICEFWomen and girls in low- and middle-income countries suffer the highest rates of violence and the total cost of violence against women and girls has been estimated to amount to 2% of the global GDP – equivalent to 1.5 trillion dollars. In the first review of its kind, conducted by Washington University in partnership with UNICEF, a new analysis of 8 countries reveals the economic burden women and girls in low- and middle-income countries face as a result of violence.
Child Marriage in Crises: Girls and Parents Speak Out on Risk and Protective Factors, Decision-Making, and Solutions
UC Berkeley, Human Rights Center, Save the Children, Plan InternationalChild marriage may disproportionately impact girls in humanitarian crisis and displacement, yet there is little guidance for practitioners looking to develop evidence-based programming. This newly-released report presents the findings of a study undertaken together with Save the Children and Plan International and provides humanitarian practitioners with the first-of-its-kind, youth-centered guidance on how to prevent and respond to child marriage in displacement settings. Additionally, a special report examines the impacts of COVID-19 on adolescent girls and marriage decision-making.
Women's and Children's Health in Conflict Settings: Build on Existing Efforts
Sarah K Chynoweth, Monica A Onyango, Meghan C Gallagher, Sara E CaseySarah Chynoweth, Monica Onyango, Meghan Gallagher, and Sara Casey call on the authors of the Lancet Series on Women's and Children's Health in Conflict Settings to build on the substantial investments and achievements in SRH over the past 25 years, including existing partnerships, evidence, and minimum standards on SRH and newborn health.