IAWG members are addressing sexual and reproductive rights during COVID-19 humanitarian response. Read More>>

Coordination Level RH Kits


The six community Level/Health Post kits are intended for use by service providers delivering sexual and reproductive care at the community health care level. Each kit is designed to provide for the needs of 10,000 people over a three-month period. The kits contain mainly medicines and disposable items. Kits 1, 2 and 3 are subdivided into parts A and B, which can be ordered separately.

RH Kit 0

An administrative RH Kit containing office supplies to conduct meetings and training sessions. Meant for settings where such supplies cannot be obtained from the local market.

RH Kit 1 Condoms - RED

Use this kit to provide male and female condoms at community and at all health service delivery levels.

  • Kit 1A - Male Condoms
  • Kit 1 B - Female Condoms

Parts A and B can be ordered separately in different quantities.

Kit 2 Clean Delivery - DARK BLUE

Individual, clean deliveries, at home or in an under-equipped maternity unit, without skilled birth attendants.

  • Kit 2A - Individual Deliver
  • Kit 2B - For Use by Birth Attendants

Parts A and B can be ordered separately in different quantities.

Kit 3 Post-Rape - PINK

Use this kind in managing the immediate consequences of sexual violence.

Kit 3A

Provides basic treatment after rape, including treatment for children.

Kit 3B

Post-exposure prophylaxis for HIV, including treatment for children,

Kit 4 Oral and Injectable Contraception - WHITE

Use this kit t respond to women’s needs for hormonal contraception. Read these related chapters from Family Planning: A Global Handbook for Providers.

  • Chapter 1 “Combined Oral Contraceptives”
  • Chapter 2 “Progestin-Only Pills”
  • Chapter 3 “Emergency Contraceptive Pills”
  • Chapter 4 “Progestin-Only Injectables”


Use this kit to treat STIs in people presenting with symptoms.

  • Guidelines for the Management of Sexually Transmitted Infections, WHO, 2003.
  • Sexually Transmitted Infections, syndromic diagnosis, treatment and follow-up (poster). Adapted from Guidelines for the Management of Sexually Transmitted Infections, WHO, 2003.

Sexual and reproductive health services remain critical during COVID-19

IAWG members and partners are producing clinical and programmatic guidance, assessments, policy papers, and statements to ensure continued prioritization of sexual and reproductive health and rights throughout COVID-19 response in humanitarian settings.