IAWG members are addressing sexual and reproductive rights during COVID-19 humanitarian response. Read More>>

IAWG: At a Glance

Download IAWG's one-pager which includes key guidance products and tools on SRH in humanitarian and fragile settings.

Who We Are

IAWG is a collaborative global coalition of individual and organizational members. Formed in 1995, IAWG includes 55 core member organizations, representing United Nations (UN) agencies, governments, international and national non-governmental organizations, universities, donors, and community-based organizations, as well as 4,000 individual members from 122 countries. IAWG’s greatest strength is its diverse membership.


IAWG provides unified leadership to advance policy, strengthen practice, mobilize resources and build accountability to ensure the sexual and reproductive health and rights of people affected by crises.

How We Work

IAWG brings together humanitarian and development leaders to work on a comprehensive range of SRHR issues. The coalition is led by a 22-member Steering Committee and our members advance a shared agenda through participation in 13 sub-working groups, representing technical and cross-cutting areas of work. The coalition is coordinated by a secretariat hosted at the Women’s Refugee Commission.

What We Do

IAWG works collaboratively to

  • Strengthen the Evidence Base: Evaluate the state of SRHR in humanitarian settings, set the agenda for and undertake research to drive interventions and policies.
  • Create Enabling Environments: Advocate for the inclusion of SRHR and historically marginalized populations, and the attendant and necessary policies, tools, and funding.
  • Support Frontline Implementers: Host communities of practice, develop and coordinate trainings, and amplify frontline voices in global spaces.
  • Harness Technical Expertise: Develop and disseminate technical guidance, standards, and tools.


An estimated 274 million people are in need of humanitarian assistance - including 68.5 million women of reproductive age. They are at greatly increased risks of preventable maternal and newborn death and illness; unintended pregnancy; unsafe abortion; sexual and gender-based violence; and sexually transmitted infections including HIV.

SRHR, as a core component of primary health care, saves lives and upholds human dignity. Yet, it is often deprioritized rather than treated as a lifesaving, primary healthcare and human rights intervention. IAWG exists to ensure and advance SRHR in humanitarian crises to guarantee the health, human rights, and dignity of those affected.

While myriad organizations and institutions are working across SRHR and adjacent programming, IAWG is the first, longest standing, and only organization to continually serve as a central coordination resource to these partners.

Our Impact

For over 25 years, IAWG has developed global guidance, institutionalized SRHR into humanitarian responses, implemented global evaluations, and collaboratively addressed gaps in policies, funding, and programming. IAWG’s vital contributions include:

IAWG is Essential

IAWG was founded at a time when SRH services in humanitarian settings were virtually non-existent. Today’s humanitarian service providers, and the millions of people whose lives they impact, rely on IAWG as a central and trusted resource. During an era of increasing natural and manmade crises, your partnership and support of this work is more important than ever.

Sexual and reproductive health services remain critical during COVID-19

IAWG members and partners are producing clinical and programmatic guidance, assessments, policy papers, and statements to ensure continued prioritization of sexual and reproductive health and rights throughout COVID-19 response in humanitarian settings.