It's no secret that the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic have hit some harder than others. For women and girls, in particular, those effects are exacerbated by (and contribute to) gender-based violence (GBV). Over the past two years, partners in the field and our very own social entrepreneurs have learned nuanced connections between menstrual health (MH) needs and varying forms of GBV.This blog post explores those connections and discusses how supportive MH environments are an essential component of GBV prevention. As waves of the COVID-19 pandemic continue around the globe, this year's campaign urges us to remember women and girls and persevere in the fight for health, dignity, and opportunity for all.
The 2022 Humanitarian Action Overview highlights the world’s biggest crises for women and girls and the urgent need to increase international humanitarian assistance to alleviate human suffering and meet rising needs. In 2022, UNFPA is appealing for an estimated US$835 million to provide life-saving health and protection services to over 54 million women, girls, and young people in 61 countries. Emphasis is placed on preparedness, early action, and response to save the lives of women and girls and young people in emergencies, upholding dignity and human rights, reinforcing hope for the future.
UNHCR Learning Event on Integrating ASRHR into Refugee Responses
UNHCR and Save the ChildrenThe United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) hosted an event to share learnings on how to capacitate humanitarian staff on integrating adolescent sexual and reproductive health and rights (ASRHR) activities and programming within refugee responses. The webinar explored learnings from the model UNHCR and Save the Children implemented in refugee settlements across West Nile and Southwest regions of Uganda.
Universal Health Coverage: Role of Multi-Sectoral Partnerships (English)
Pathfinder InternationalDuring this webinar, Pathfinder global health experts and our partners discussed the importance of Universal Health Coverage (UHC) and the role of multi-sectoral partnerships in achieving UHC in low- and middle-income countries.
Chapter 3 of the Inter-Agency Field Manual explores the Minimum Initial Service Package for Sexual and Reproductive Health. It is currently available in Russian as a PDF.
Podcast: Designing Cash Programming to Reduce Gender-Based Violence
CARE Failing Forward, with Women's Refugee CommissionIn this English version of a podcast based on translations from the original Arabic, Fatima Azzeh from CARE interviews Samar Karamo and Baraa Bobaki from IHSAN Relief and Development, who talk about what they've learned on designing cash programming so it supports and protects women facing gender-based violence. This interview covers why cash is important, how to make sure we don't retraumatize survivors and the importance of understanding local context and testing our approach. It also shows how important it is to set up safety plans, think about potential harm, and build holistic services. it is also available in the original Arabic.
Self-care…Everywhere? A Call to Action to Advance Self-care for Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights in Humanitarian and Fragile Settings
Erin Wheeler (IRC), Roopan Gill (Vitala Global), Hannah Tappis (Jhpiego), Angel M. Foster (University of Ottawa), and Andrea Edman (IAWG/IRC)In humanitarian settings, self-care offers an opportunity to ensure access to essential SRH services, even amidst a strained health system. This blog, written by IAWG members, discusses the need for self-care for SRH in humanitarian settings.
Innovation for SRH in Humanitarian Crises: Where Are We Now, and How to Move the Agenda Forward
ELRHA, The London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, SciencePractice, and The Geneva Centre of Humanitarian StudiesAn exciting new report by ELRHA, The London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, SciencePractice, and The Geneva Centre of Humanitarian Studies aims to better understand how the sexual and reproductive health (SRH) community of practice understands innovation, and map innovative interventions against research gaps and needs. In addition to providing an analysis of where we are in terms of innovation for the humanitarian SRH sector, it offers a clear strategy and next steps on how to meaningfully innovate for SRH.
Nursing Teachers Converted Into Trainers of Midwives: a Strategy to Increase the Number and Quality of Midwives in the DRC
UNFPA, Democratic Republic of the CongoInvesting in quality midwifery education is an effective strategy to reduce maternal and newborn mortality and improve sexual, reproductive, maternal, newborn, child, and adolescent health (SRMNCAH). Fourteen (14) nursing teachers have just successfully completed their midwifery training at the Higher Institute of Medical Techniques (ISTM) Kinshasa. These former nurse teachers conducting the training of midwives in the midwifery training institutions in the provinces of Kasaï Central, Kasaï, and Kasaï Oriental, benefited from UNFPA scholarships for an 18-month training at ISTM Kinshasa, a pilot institution for the midwifery program, which has more than 5 years experience in retraining and is well equipped with teaching staff and educational equipment.
The Humanitarian-Development Nexus: A Framework for Maternal, Newborn, and Child Health, Voluntary Family Planning, and Reproductive Health
USAID, MomentumMost of the thinking and discussion of the humanitarian-development nexus has come from humanitarian actors. Drawing from frameworks on the nexus put forth by the United Nations and health system strengthening from WHO and USAID, MOMENTUM Integrated Health Resilience developed this conceptual framework to visualize health and development programming in the humanitarian-development nexus.
The Humanitarian-Development Nexus: A Framework for Maternal, Newborn, and Child Health, Voluntary Family Planning, and Reproductive Health
USAID, MomentumMost of the thinking and discussion of the humanitarian-development nexus has come from humanitarian actors. Drawing from frameworks on the nexus put forth by the United Nations and health system strengthening from WHO and USAID, MOMENTUM Integrated Health Resilience developed this conceptual framework to visualize health and development programming in the humanitarian-development nexus.
Training for Cervical Cancer Prevention
Médecins Du MondeThis pedagogical kit helps design and implement programs on cervical cancer prevention and pre-cancerous lesion management through a public health approach and the promotion of sexual and reproductive rights. the content is accessible to all.