This brief describes Save the Children's efforts to integrate family planning and infant and young child feeding (IYCF) in Rohingya refugee camps in Bangladesh and offers recommendations for future integrated programming.
Self-Care Everywhere: Innovative Approaches to Achieving Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights in Humanitarian and Fragile Settings
IAWG, IRC and Vitala Global OnlineSelf-Care Everywhere will examine promising strategies for increasing access to sexual & reproductive health through self-care in humanitarian settings. This is part of the Self Care Trailblazers & WRA Self-Care Learning & Discovery Series.
Delivering Reproductive Health When She Needs It Most
Save the ChildrenBrochure on the reproductive health needs of women in humanitarian settings from Save the Children and other humanitarian actors to implement the Minimum Initial Service Package (MISP) for Reproductive Health.
The Potential of Self-Managed Abortion to Expand Abortion Access in Humanitarian Contexts
Ibis Reproductive Health, International Rescue Committee, African Population and Health Research Center, Resilience Action International, and IpasColleagues from Ibis Reproductive Health, International Rescue Committee, African Population and Health Research Center, Resilience Action International, and Ipas partnered on the new perspective article in Frontiers in Global Women's Health.
“UNFPA remains firmly committed to supporting the Afghan people and upholding the hard-won rights of women and girls,” said UNFPA Executive Director Dr. Natalia Kanem. “A durable peace and sustainable development require the inclusion of all..."
Statement by Principals of the Inter-Agency Standing Committee (IASC) on Afghanistan
Inter-Agency Standing CommitteeThe people of Afghanistan need our support now more than ever. Our organizations are committed to helping and protecting them. We will stay in Afghanistan and we will deliver.
This is a summary of what was said by UNHCR spokesperson Shabia Mantoo – to whom quoted text may be attributed – at today's press briefing at the Palais des Nations in Geneva.
Midwifery Curricula Inclusion of Sexual and Reproductive Health in Crisis Settings in the Democratic Republic of Congo
UNFPA DRC and IAWG Training Partnership InitiativeThis is case presentation describes the process and lessons learned related to the introduction of the Minimum Initial Service Package (MISP) into the first- and third-year pre-service midwifery curricula at multiple midwifery education facilities in the Democratic Republic of the Congo.
Press Release: Unfpa Scaling Up Humanitarian Assistance in Haiti to Help Survivors of Earthquake
UNFPAUNFPA is deploying mobile health teams, sending IARH kits and strengthening capacity in over 40 health facilities to ensure sexual and reproductive services are provided to women in need.
FP2030 is extremely concerned for the rights of women and girls and their ability to access family planning services under Taliban rule. FP2030 remains committed to advancing the use of rights-based contraception, in Afghanistan and around the world.
Self-Care Everywhere: Innovative Approaches to Achieving Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights in Humanitarian and Fragile Settings
IAWG, IRC and Vitala GlobalThis interactive session examined promising strategies for increasing access to sexual and reproductive health self-care in humanitarian settings and how learning from these settings can be applicable everywhere.
EmergencyIAWG recognizes the rapidly evolving and increasingly acute humanitarian crises in Afghanistan due to the recent escalation of violence–including specifically against women and girls–and mass displacement of an estimated 3.5 million people. We recognize that community leaders, particularly those who advocate for and advance the lives of women and girls, are on the frontlines of the crises that are currently unfolding and deepening.