Menstrual Disposal, Waste Management & Laundering in Emergencies: A Compendium
Columbia University Mailman School of Public Health & International Rescue CommitteeThis compendium focuses on some specific practicalities of managing menstruation in humanitarian contexts. This compendium aims to provide practical guidance on some approaches to menstrual material disposal, waste management and laundering.
A Compendium on Menstrual Disposal, Waste Management and Laundering in Emergencies
Columbia University and IRCThe compendium includes practical guidance in addition to a series of case studies of innovations currently being piloted in emergencies globally.
Monitoring Menstrual Hygiene Management Programming in Emergencies: A Rapid Assessment Tool
Columbia University and IRCThe M-RAT is designed to assist the humanitarian community in evaluating the status and reach of MHM programming within an ongoing humanitarian emergency.
Manual: Newborn Care Supply Kits for Humanitarian Settings
IAWG | UNICEF, Save the Children, World Health OrganizationTo complement the RH Kits, which do not provide the full range of supplies, equipment and drugs to support implementation of priority newborn care services, the Newborn Supply Kits for Humanitarian Settings (Newborn Kits) were developed.

Hesperian Health Guides’ A Health Handbook for Women with Disabilities is now available online for free in French as well as English and Spanish. This book provides practical information on delivering respectful and appropriate care for women with disabilities in humanitarian settings. Packed with useful information, helpful tips, and illustrations, this practical tool reflects sound practices and the voices and experiences of women with disabilities from around the world. A Health Handbook for Women with Disabilities is an essential resource for health professionals, caregivers, and trainers. Please share this resource with your colleagues and networks to promote the right to health for women with disabilities!
From ‘it Rarely Happens’ to ‘it’s Worse for Men’ Dispelling Misconceptions About Sexual Violence Against Men and Boys in Conflict and Displacement
The Journal of Humanitarian Affairs | Heleen Touquet, Sarah Chynoweth, Sarah Martin, Chen Reis, Henri Myrttinen, Philipp Schulz, Lewis Turner, and David DuriesmithNexplanon Insertion and Removal
Merck & Co., IncVideo on Nexplanon Insertion and Removal
Refugee and Internally Displaced Women's Abortion Knowledge, Attitudes and Practices: Addressing the Lack of Research in Low- and Middle-Income Countries
Blake Erhardt-Ohren and Sarah Lewinger | International Perspectives on Sexual and Reproductive HealthInduced abortion is common: In 2017, an estimated 56% of all unintended pregnancies worldwide ended in abortion. Despite the frequency with which women terminate pregnancies, however, 135 countries impose restrictions on induced abortion beyond gestational age limits, which lead some women to seek unsafe abortion. The World Health Organization (WHO) defines unsafe abortion as a procedure for terminating an unwanted pregnancy carried out by individuals who lack the requisite training and skills, in a setting that does not meet minimum medical standards, or both. An estimated 25 million unsafe abortions occur annually—nearly all (97%) in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs), where abortion is more likely to be heavily restricted. Unsafe abortion results in 22,800–31,000 maternal deaths each year. Furthermore, in developing regions, nearly seven of every 1,000 women are treated in a health facility for abortion complications. The legalization and derestriction of abortion are necessary steps in reducing maternal morbidity and mortality from unsafe abortion, but there are additional obstacles to services that must also be addressed.
The Every Newborn Action Plan (ENAP) provides countries with a roadmap to ending preventable newborn deaths and stillbirths and reducing disability by 2030. The plan outlines four targets for the period of 2020–2025 that will determine the course of health and lives of children and women for the next decade and beyond:
Guidebook for Second International Dignified Menstruation Day
Ministry of Women, Children and Senior Citizen, Global South Coalition for Dignified Menstruation, and Radha Paudel Foundation.A practical guide book for celebration of Second International Dignified Menstruation Day, 8 December 2020 in English and Nepali. The book is available here: 8 December 2020, Second International Dignified Menstruation Day.
Stay Strong, Stay Standing: Crisis-Management Workshop Series to Address Operation Needs During COVID-19
IAWG Adolescent Sexual and Reproductive Health Sub-Working GroupThe IAWG Adolescent Sexual and Reproductive Health Sub-Working Group invites youth-led and community-based organizations (CBOs) serving young people to join our organizational crisis-management workshop series, Stay Strong – Stay Standing series. This series was designed with and for local organizations serving young people to address their operational needs during COVID-19. The three sessions will provide experiences from youth-led organizations, as well as information, guidance, and advice from IAWG member organizations. A recording of the first session, which was already held, is available below.