Strengthening human resource capacity is essential for ensuring the provision of routine quality sexual and reproductive health services during and after emergencies. This panel shared experiences and lessons learned to strengthen health systems to improve governance and safety of midwifery practice in Afghanistan, to strengthen health system response to sexual violence in Jordan, and to improve emergency preparedness for SRH in the Philippines.
This report provides a global overview of the United Nation's humanitarian response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Issues highlighted include public health and socio-economic impacts on displaced people.
This database includes MPT products that are currently in development to prevent a combination of HIV, sexually transmitted infections (STIs), and/or pregnancy. The database outlines detailed product information and can be searched to display products by desired criteria as selected from the drop-down boxes or by entering a keyword in the search box. Click on the product name to access detailed information on each product.
Venezuelan migrants arrive in the country with multiple unmet Sexual and Reproductive Health (SRH) needs. The profile of the Venezuelan migrant in Colombia is of men and women, particularly young adults and adults between 18 and 59 years old. Existing SRH needs have been exacerbated by this regional crisis. Despite the capacity of Colombian institutions, this does not translate into effective and timely access to comprehensive sexual and reproductive health services for these women and men. To guarantee access, resources are needed, as well as the elimination of barriers for the migrant population. In this sense, communication strategies are needed to attack misinformation about SRH in migration contexts. There are large inequalities between irregular and circular migrants compared to regular migrants and those in the process of regularization. Responses and interventions in SRH must be targeted to take into account the migrant population’s circumstance and meet their needs.
Innovative Strategies to Reach Vulnerable Populations in Humanitarian Settings
IAWG LGBTQIA+ Sub-Working GroupThis webinar includes presentations by 1) Dr Harischandra Yakandawala and Ms J P T Sachinthani on “Piloting the IASC Disability Guidelines in GBV prevention and response activities in Sri Lanka” [FPA SL, IPPF, WRC], 2) Dr. Min Thet Phyo San on “Implementing health education program among young key populations in conflict-affected areas of Myanmar” [UNFPA, MYS-Local], 3) Diego Nardi on “Strengthening Local Capacities to Respond to the Needs of Refugees and Migrants engaged with sex work” [Ecuador, UNHCR].

Sara Rampazzo / Unsplash
COVID-19 Latebreaker: Global adaptations to ensure SRHR during pandemic
IAWG COVID TaskforceCOVID-19 threatens women and girls in profound ways beyond the virus, and refugees and people affected by humanitarian crises are particularly vulnerable. Humanitarian actors and local organizations have been adapting in real-time and finding solutions to provide sexual and reproductive health (SRH) care. Presenters from around the world will describe their experiences adapting to meet the needs of women and girls and share data on SRH use during the pandemic. Participants will have an opportunity to exchange with the panelists after presentations of their work.

Reproductive Health in Emergencies Toolkit
Save the ChildrenSave the Children’s Reproductive Health in Emergencies Initiative supports reproductive health services in humanitarian settings by training and mentoring frontline health providers, providing commodities and supplies, strengthening supply chains, using data for action, and supporting communities to mobilize to increase awareness and use of reproductive health services. The Reproductive Health in Emergencies Toolkit for NGO and MOH staff includes a variety of resources for establishing, strengthening, and scaling reproductive health programs in humanitarian settings based on a decade of Save the Children’s experience. It is organized into the following categories: clinical supervision and training, communications and fundraising, logistics and pharmacy, and monitoring & evaluation.
Crisis-Management Workshop Series
IAWG VirtualWe invite youth-led and community-based organizations serving young people to join our crisis-management workshop series. This series was designed with and for local organizations serving young people to address their operational needs during COVID.
Improving Access to HIV Services in Humanitarian Contexts: New Strategies and Approaches
IAWG STI/HIV Sub-Working GroupHIV prevention and treatment are key components of a comprehensive SRH service package. Unfortunately, in humanitarian contexts worldwide, HIV services are historically under-prioritized, often at the expense of already marginalized populations. In this webinar, we begin understanding some of the ways the humanitarian community can integrate HIV prevention and treatment services into existing SRH services, especially those supporting marginalized populations. This panel featured speakers from Bangladesh, Tanzania, and Uganda, and include discussions on the health and protection needs of refugees involved in selling sex, the outcomes of prevention of mother to child transmission intervention in a post-emergency refugee context, partner testing in a refugee setting, and adolescent SRH stigma and HIV testing among urban and displaced youth.

Innovation has never seemed so important as it has this year. In this webinar, panelists will describe their innovative work pre-pandemic as they were forced to adapt interventions to the unique circumstances of the remote and difficult humanitarian settings where they work. They will present on their use of technology solutions to improve psychosocial support for humanitarian staff, monitoring and reporting using a call center in South Sudan, a mobile app for improving maternal delivery and the skills of health workers facing newborn emergencies.

In Their Own Words: Understanding Barriers to Sexual and Reproductive Health Access for Internally Displaced Young People
Jamie VernaeldeTo elevate the voices of internally displaced young people, PAI worked with an Ethiopian university to understand the sexual and reproductive health (SRH) challenges faced by displaced youth.
Advancing Maternal and Newborn Health (MNH) in Humanitarian Settings
IAWG Maternal and Newborn Health Sub-Working GroupThis webinar provided the opportunity to learn more about maternal and newborn health experiences and strategies in humanitarian settings. Panelists shared experiences and lessons learned from Somalia, Afghanistan, and Syria.