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#TigrayCantWait #TigrayCrisis #Tigray #Humanitarian4Her #WomensRights #MISP #SRH #HumanitarianAid #SRHR #ReproHealth
Sample Posts
.@IAWG_RH calls on the international community to ensure sexual & reproductive health needs & rights of women, adolescents, girls, & other groups affected by ongoing violence in #Tigray region of northern #Ethiopia are addressed #SRH #TigrayCantWait https://bit.ly/35QEXbD
@IAWG_RH and partners are gravely concerned for the safety, well-being, and rights of women, adolescents, girls, and other groups facing discrimination impacted by the crisis in #Tigray, #Ethiopia. Read our latest press release here: https://bit.ly/35QEXbD
An estimated 2 million people have been displaced since November last year due to the conflict in #Tigray, #Ethiopia. The human rights situation is dire, including increasing cases of sexual and gender-based violence. Read @IAWG_RH's call to action here: https://bit.ly/35QEXbD
We know people living in crisis settings need access to #SRHR care, including those in the #TigrayCrisis. The @UN has called for an immediate investigation by the @UNHumanRights into conflict-related sexual violence in the region https://bit.ly/35QEXbD
Denial of access to lifesaving & essential sexual & reproductive health services like contraception, safe delivery, emergency newborn care, post-abortion care, & clinical care for rape survivors can lead to increased morbidity/mortality rates. https://bit.ly/35QEXbD
We call on all aid actors in #TigrayCrisis to scale up the #MISP - the priority #health interventions that save lives and prevent illness and suffering for women, adolescents, and girls #SRH #Humanitarian4Her @IAWG_RH https://bit.ly/35QEXbD
An estimated two million people have been displaced since November 2020 due to the conflict in the #Tigray region of northern Ethiopia.
The human rights situation is dire, including increasing cases of sexual and gender-based violence. That is why IAWG is urging the international community to ensure the reproductive health needs of all women and girls are addressed. #TigrayCantWait
Read IAWG's full advocacy statement and call to action: https://bit.ly/3qqd57x
Denial of access to lifesaving and essential sexual and reproductive health services like contraception, safe delivery, emergency newborn care, post-abortion care, and clinical care for rape survivors can lead to increased morbidity and mortality rates.
That is why IAWG is calling on all aid actors to scale up the Minimum Initial Service Package for Sexual and Reproductive Health in the #Tigray region of northern Ethiopia. #TigrayCantWait
Read IAWG's full advocacy statement and call to action: https://bit.ly/3qqd57x
We know people living in crisis settings need access to reproductive health care, including those in the #Tigray crisis.
IAWG calls on the international community to ensure the sexual and reproductive health needs and rights of women, adolescents, girls, and other groups affected by the ongoing violence in the Tigray region of northern Ethiopia are addressed. #TigrayCantWait
Read IAWG's full advocacy statement and call to action: https://bit.ly/3qqd57x