The Minimum Initial Service Package (MISP) for Sexual and Reproductive Health (SRH) distance learning module aims to increase humanitarian actors’ and stakeholders’ knowledge of the priority SRH services that must be initiated at the onset of a humanitarian crisis and scaled up for equitable coverage throughout protracted crises and recovery. This includes planning for and implementing comprehensive SRH services as soon as possible following a crisis.
The MISP for SRH was first articulated in 1996 in the field-test version of the Reproductive Health in Refugee Situations: An Inter-Agency Field Manual, a resource developed by the Inter-Agency Working Group (IAWG) on Reproductive Health (RH) in Crises. The Inter-Agency Field Manual (IAFM) was finalized in 1999 and widely disseminated1. The MISP for SRH was then updated and revised in the Inter-Agency Field Manual on Reproductive Health in Humanitarian Settings: 2010 Revision for Field Review and again in Inter-Agency Field Manual on Reproductive Health in Humanitarian Settings, 2018. The 2018 version of the IAFM represents the consensus of representatives from agencies working on SRH in the humanitarian sector and reflects the best available evidence on clinical practice and program implementation at the end of 2017. The revision process was led by the IAFM Revision Taskforce, a body comprising more than 50 individuals from 21 United Nations agencies, international nongovernmental organizations, and academic institutions and guided by a consultant with subject matter expertise.
Unless a specific reference is given, the information provided in this learning module is based on the 2018 revision of the Inter-Agency Field Manual on Reproductive Health in Humanitarian Settings.
What is new in the 2018 version of the MISP for SRH?
In the latest revision of the MISP for SRH, a new objective on prevention of unintended pregnancy was added, which includes the following priority activities:
- Ensuring availability of a range of long-acting, reversible and short-acting contraceptive methods (including male and female [where already used before the crisis] condoms and emergency contraception) at primary health care facilities to meet demand
- Providing information, including existing information, education, and communications materials, and contraceptive counseling that emphasizes informed choice and consent, effectiveness, client privacy and confidentiality, equity, and nondiscrimination
- Ensuring the community is aware of the availability of contraceptives for women, adolescents, and men
Another change to the MISP for SRH chapter involves explicit references to safe abortion care to the full extent of the law. In addition to incorporating pregnancy options counseling and the provision of or referral for abortion services to the full extent of the law into clinical care for survivors of sexual violence, safe abortion care to the full extent of the law is now included in the MISP for SRH chapter as a standalone “other priority activity.” Lastly, guidance has been strengthened on maternal and newborn care, prevention and treatment of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and other sexually transmitted infections (STIs), clinical care for survivors of sexual violence, and planning for comprehensive SRH services.
Who is the MISP for SRH distance learning module designed for?
The module incorporates a multisectoral set of activities to be implemented by humanitarian workers operating in health, camp design and management, logistics, community services, protection, and other sectors. The module is most relevant to members of emergency response teams and other humanitarian first responders as it focuses on populations affected by crises, such as armed conflicts and natural disasters. However, it can also be referenced as part of emergency preparedness efforts and when scaling up services to ensure more comprehensive and equitable coverage in protracted crises and throughout recovery.
How long will it take to complete the module?
The module will take approximately 5 to 7 hours to complete.
At the end of the MISP for SRH distance learning module, learners should be able to:
- define and understand each component of the MISP for SRH;
- explain the importance and lifesaving aspects of implementing the MISP for SRH in humanitarian settings;
- explain the importance of addressing SRH as a core part of the overall health response, health sector/cluster coordination, and coordination with other sectors, such as the protection sector/cluster;
- list the role and functions of the SRH lead agency/coordinator within the health sector/cluster;
- explain the most important actions for the health sector/cluster to do in a humanitarian crisis to prevent sexual violence and respond to the needs of survivors;
- describe the priority interventions for preventing the transmission of, and reducing the morbidity and mortality due to HIV and other STIs in the earliest phase of crisis situations;
- explain the priority interventions to reduce preventable maternal and newborn morbidity and mortality at the onset of an emergency;
- list priority interventions to prevent unintended pregnancies;
- describe how to plan for comprehensive SRH programming services integrated into primary health care as soon as the situation permits;
- explain how to ensure access to safe abortion care to the full extent of the law; and
- describe how to order MISP for SRH supplies internationally or obtain them locally.
How should the MISP for SRH distance learning module be taken?
The module is a self-instructional learning module. It should be read in order of the learning units and can later be used as a reference. The learner reads through each unit, completes the unit quizzes, and takes the post-test that includes questions from all units. Using the navigation to the left, learn more about the training module or get started with Unit One. After reading through the units, you can register and complete the final test. When you pass the test with a score of 80% or more correct answers, you will receive a certificate. Learners who do not have steady access to the internet can email their post-test to for grading.
Further guidance and information: Learners should refer to the complete 2018 Inter-Agency Field Manual on Reproductive Health in Humanitarian Settings
Please Keep in Mind…
Throughout the training you will see references to the Interagency Emergency Reproductive Health (IARH) Kits. The revised 2019 IARH Kits will be available for procurement in early 2020. If you are taking this distance learning module before the 2019 IARH Kits are available please see information on the currently available IARH Kits at the Inter-Agency Reproductive Health Kits for Crisis Situations (5th ed., 2011).
In what format and languages is the MISP for SRH module available?
The module is available online. Print copies can be ordered by emailing or The module is currently available in English, French, Nepali, Portuguese, Russian, and Spanish.
Disclaimer: Please note that the MISP for SRH distance learning module is available free of charge. There is no guarantee of employment with any humanitarian agency upon completion of the MISP for SRH module.
Are there ways to provide feedback for improving or asking questions about the MISP for SRH module?
Yes, please send an email to
Is there a way to certify completion the MISP for SRH module?
Learners who have completed the online post-test with a score of at least 80% will automatically receive a certificate of completion that can be printed and saved.
- Reproductive Health in Refugee Situations: An Inter-Agency Field Manual (Inter-Agency Working Group on Reproductive Health in Crises, 1999). ↩