IAWG members are addressing sexual and reproductive rights during COVID-19 humanitarian response. Read More>>

IPPF Advocacy Key Messages: Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR) and COVID-19

In these unprecedented and uncertain times, it is critical to ensure that sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR) remain an integral part of essential health services, that there are opportunities to improve policy and guide frameworks to reduce barriers to SRH services, and that governments ensure gender and human rights-based approaches to tackling the COVID-19 pandemic. This document offers a set of general asks aimed at providing member associations with guidance on the key areas/ issues to advocate for with their governments.

Sexual and reproductive health services remain critical during COVID-19

IAWG members and partners are producing clinical and programmatic guidance, assessments, policy papers, and statements to ensure continued prioritization of sexual and reproductive health and rights throughout COVID-19 response in humanitarian settings.