Mobile Medical Team
The ability of affected populations to obtain adequate and affordable health care has been significantly hampered by the loss of homes and livelihoods. Since these scattered villages are further away from health facilities, many of the unemployed in the area must pay higher transportation expenditures.
Therefore, BFD funded by UNFPA developed novel solutions to bring lifesaving services closer to populations using new modes of delivery, including: remote management; use of mobile clinics to deliver services to remote areas; recruitment of health workers who have good knowledge of their community; promotion of community-based services to bring services closer to populations; and delivery of integrated packages of services at the point of care.
BFD's Mobile Medical team is a careful response to the current health crisis in Marib and can quickly adapt to population movements and conduct visits to multiple sites, ensuring that health services are equitably distributed across affected communities by directly visiting numerous locations in affected communities and providing various services including provision of free medicines, access to primary health care services, reproductive health services (antenatal care, safe deliveries and postnatal care) in remote conflict-affected areas, including referral of deliveries, nutrition services for pregnant women, immunization for targeting women young girls and children, and GBV services with reproductive health services that provide psychological support to the IDPs and host communities with both first aid treatment and referral to specialists, if required.
The Project supports two medical mobile teams in Marib, with each team composed of one general practitioner (GP) doctor, two midwives, two nurses, one pharmacist and one psychologist. The total number of beneficiaries who received MTs services during 2022 reached 100,347.