Recommendations for health facilities, facilities managers, and providers to ensure they can continue to lead SRHR programming around the world amid the pandemic.
Open Letter Calling on Governments to Apply a Gender Lens to COVID-19 Preparedness, Response, and Recovery
Women DeliverThe unprecedented global scope and scale of the COVID-19 pandemic is a vivid reminder of the interconnected, interdependent realities of our world. Now, more than ever, the importance of uniting ꟷ across sectors, issues, and generations ꟷ to build a healthier, more gender-equal future is clear.
Family Planning Advocacy in the Context of COVID-19: Examining the role of Faith and Religious Leader in Uganda
Faith for Family Health Initiative (3FHi)Examining the role of Faith and Religious Leaders in Uganda.
Impact of Public Health Emergencies on Sexual and Reproductive Health and Reproductive Rights in the Arab Region: The Covid-19 Case
UNFPA Arab States OfficeThis is a position paper on the impact of public health emergencies on Sexual and Reproductive Health outcomes and on SRH workfoce in the Arab Region. The recent COVID-19 pandemic is taken as an example
All women should have access to safe, high-quality antenatal care (ANC), including malaria in pregnancy (MiP) services during the COVID-19 outbreak. These frequently asked questions are pertinent to those providing ANC in areas of sub-Saharan Africa with malaria transmission.
Frontlines in Focus: Critical Conversations on Reproductive Healthcare During COVID-19 Response
IAWG Webinar | 12 Noon GMT / 8 AM Bogota / 1 PM Accra / 4 PM NairobiFrontline implementers around the world have been forced to quickly adapt to meet the sexual and reproductive health (SRH) needs and continue the provision of services during the COVID-19 pandemic. Frontline service providers and implementers are invited to connect, discuss challenges, share learnings, and hear from each other about promising solutions and programmatic adaptations.
Frontlines in Focus: Critical Conversations on Reproductive Healthcare During COVID-19 Response
IAWG Webinar | 9 AM Bangkok / 2 PM FijiFrontline implementers around the world have been forced to quickly adapt to meet the sexual and reproductive health (SRH) needs and continue the provision of services during the COVID-19 pandemic. Frontline service providers and implementers are invited to connect, discuss challenges, share learnings, and hear from each other about promising solutions and programmatic adaptations.
Frontlines in Focus Digital Workshops
EmergencyThe "Frontlines in Focus: Critical Conversations on Reproductive Healthcare During COVID-19 Response" webinar series provides a space to connect, share, seek support and advice from frontline experts, and inform IAWG's response to help meet your needs during the COVID-19 response.
Guidance on Establishing Remote Monitoring and Management of GBV Programming in the Context of the COVID-19 Pandemic
Women's Refugee Commission, War Child CanadaThis guidance brief offers support to national, local, and community-based frontline responders confronting the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on gender-based violence (GBV) prevention and response.
Newborn Health Resources: Trainings and Tools for Improving Newborn Health in Humanitarian Settings
Healthy Newborn NetworkIn 2018, the Global Health Cluster lead by the World Health Organization (WHO) conducted a capacity survey of Global Health Cluster partners to capture information on partners’ self-assessment of their technical, operational, and coordination capacities. The results showed that most international and national partners reported a lack of capacity and expertise to provide maternal and newborn health (MNH) services. Less than half reported an ability to provide Basic Emergency Obstetric and Neonatal Care (BEmONC) and Comprehensive Emergency Obstetric and Neonatal Care (CEmONC) at primary and secondary level respectively, and only 42% of the international partners and 50% of the national partners reported providing Essential Newborn Care (ENC).
UNFPA is proud to share its first set of regional situation reports on the impact of COVID-19 on sexual and reproductive health and rights around the world, and how UNFPA regional and country offices are continuing their lifesaving work. The reports are posted as separate documents in the emergencies resource library of the UNFPA website.
Crises & Contingency Standards of Care: Community Midwifery Collective Policies, Procedures, & Protocols
Midwives' Association of Washington State (MAWS)Washington State has not reached the need for crisis and contingency care around prenatal, birth, postpartum and newborn care and we hope it never does. However in the event that an area in or even outside of Washington State does find itself in a perinatal care crisis the WSMCRC has created these guidelines.