IAWG members are addressing sexual and reproductive rights during COVID-19 humanitarian response. Read More>>

The Needs of Crises-Affected Women and Girls Must be Mainstreamed Across Family Planning Summit Commitments


In preparation for the 2017 Family Planning Summit in London, UK, and the IAWG hosted Humanitarian Settings Spotlight event, the IAWG developed the attached messages and talking points.

These include:

  1. Family planning services save the lives of women and girls in humanitarian crises.
  2. Demand for family planning in humanitarian settings is fierce.
  3. Meeting the need for family planning in humanitarian settings is challenging, but feasible.
  4. Providing family planning to women and girls in humanitarian settings, as part of a package of sexual and reproductive health services, is critical to countries’ ability to meet their FP2020 commitments and achieve the SDGs.