IAWG members are addressing sexual and reproductive rights during COVID-19 humanitarian response. Read More>>

Tools and Lessons Learned in Addressing SRHR in Emergency Preparedness at the Community Level

  • IAWG Emergency Preparedness and Resilience Sub-Working Group, ACCESS Consortium, Women’s Refugee Commission, Family Planning Association of Nepal, and Rahnuma-Family Planning Association of Pakistan. Zoom, Registration Required
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Globally, the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs estimates that 168 million people need humanitarian assistance, and humanitarian needs are climbing at an unprecedented pace. If the international community is to successfully stretch limited resources to deliver life-saving sexual and reproductive health (SRH) services to affected populations, it is critical that stakeholders inclusive of communities are better prepared to mitigate the impacts of disasters and to respond.

This webinar will familiarize participants with added resources to ensure inclusive SRH emergency preparedness at the community level, including the new edition of the MISP Distance Learning Module, a series of Community Capacity and Needs Assessment (CCNA) tools, and the Facilitator’s Kit for Community preparedness for SRH and gender workshop with integrated action planning. It will also include the lessons and best practices in addressing community preparedness in Pakistan and in preparing to address SRHR in community-level emergency preparedness in Nepal.The webinar is expected to enhance practitioners’ knowledge in utilizing SRH preparedness tools to design and implement inclusive SRHR interventions for emergency preparedness at the community level.


  • Sandra Krause, Senior Director Sexual and Reproductive Health Program, Women’s Refugee Commission
  • Dr. Anjum Rizvi, Programme Management Division, Rahnuma-Family Planning Association of Pakistan (Rahnuma-FPAP)
  • Mala Chalise, ACCESS Program Manager, Family Planning Association of Nepal (FPAN)